French Revolution Review Quiz I


Review activity for the lesson on the French Revolution
K. Asher
Quiz von K. Asher, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
K. Asher
Erstellt von K. Asher vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Identify all the causes of the French Revolution
  • Ideas from philosophers such as Rousseau and Locke influenced the French people
  • France was in financial crisis because of its unequal tax structure.
  • The Nobility paid the majority of the taxes.
  • Poor weather conditions led to bad harvest.
  • Overproduction of crops and low food prices resulted in merchants failing to pay taxes.
  • Bourgeoisie and the Sans culottes paid most of the taxes.
  • Louis XVI's war with the American colonies led to bankruptcy.
  • The banks refused to loan France money

Frage 2

Who said the following quote? "What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been up to now in the political order? Nothing. What does it demand? To become something herein."
  • Maximilien Robespierre
  • Abbe Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Jean-Paul Marat
  • Georges Jacques Danton

Frage 3

The voting procedure of the Estates General was that each estate met separately and each estate had cast [blank_start]one[blank_end] vote. This resulted in the Third Estate, which had the most representatives, being outvoted by the other two estates.
  • one

Frage 4

The political and social system that existed in France before the Revolution of 1789 was known as the [blank_start]Ancien Regime[blank_end] (two words) or Old Order.
  • Ancien Regime

Frage 5

The [blank_start]1st Estate[blank_end] consisted of the [blank_start]clergy[blank_end] and made up 1% of the population. The [blank_start]2nd Estate[blank_end] consisted of the [blank_start]nobility[blank_end] and made up 2% of the population. The [blank_start]3rd Estate[blank_end] consisted of [blank_start]Bourgeoisie, San Culottes, and Peasants[blank_end] and made up 97% of the population.
  • 1st Estate
  • 2nd Estate
  • 3rd Estate
  • 2nd Estate
  • 1st Estate
  • 3rd Estate
  • 3rd Estate
  • 2nd Estate
  • 1st Estate
  • clergy
  • nobility
  • Bourgeoisie, San Culottes, and Peasants
  • nobility
  • clergy
  • Bourgeoisie, San Culottes, and Peasants
  • Bourgeoisie, San Culottes, and Peasants
  • clergy
  • nobility

Frage 6

The Third Estates were made up of: [blank_start]Bourgeoisie[blank_end] were city-dwelling middle class made up of [blank_start]merchants[blank_end], manufacturers and professional people such as [blank_start]doctor[blank_end] and lawyers [blank_start]sans-culottes[blank_end] were skilled laborers and [blank_start]artisans[blank_end] [blank_start]Peasants[blank_end] who were ranked at the bottom of the Third Estate. They paid the heaviest taxes and rents as well as owed feudal dues and services
  • doctor
  • sans-culottes
  • artisans
  • Peasants
  • Nobility
  • Bourgeoisie
  • merchants

Frage 7

[blank_start]Marie Antoinette[blank_end] (first and last name) was the Queen of France during the French Revolution. She was the daughter of [blank_start]Maria Theresa[blank_end] (first and last name) who was the Empress of Austria.
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Maria Theresa

Frage 8

[blank_start]Estates General[blank_end] (two words): the representative body that existed in France during the Ancien Regime. It was drawn from all three Estates
  • Estates General

Frage 9

Place the following events in their proper order France supports the American Revolution The Banks refuse to loan France any money [blank_start]Estates General is called into session[blank_end] The King refuses to change the voting procedure [blank_start]The National Assembly is formed[blank_end] The Third Estate is locked out of Versailles [blank_start]Tennis Court Oath[blank_end] [blank_start]Storming the Bastille[blank_end] [blank_start]The Great Fear[blank_end] National Assembly writes the Constitution of 1791 [blank_start]Legislative Assembly is formed[blank_end]
  • Estates General is called into session
  • The National Assembly is formed
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • Storming the Bastille
  • The Great Fear
  • Legislative Assembly is formed

Frage 10

Identify the titles of the figures in the picture below.
  • King
  • Nobility
  • Clergy
  • Commoners
  • King
  • Clergy
  • Nobility
  • Commoners
  • King
  • Clergy
  • Nobility
  • Commoners
  • King
  • Clergy
  • Nobility
  • Commoners

Frage 11

Identify everything that involved the National Assembly
  • It was formed by the 2nd Estate in reaction to the voting procedures of the Estates General.
  • It wrote the Declaration Rights of Man
  • It declared war on Austria
  • It wrote the Constitution of 1791
  • It came into power after the Legislative Assembly was dissolved.
  • It ended feudalism in France.
  • It created a Limited Constitutional Monarchy

Frage 12

The [blank_start]Civil Constitution of the Clergy[blank_end] resulted in France taking control of the Catholic Church.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Frage 13

On July 14, 1789, the need for weapons led to
  • The calling of the Estates General
  • The formation of the National Assembly
  • The Woman’s March on Versailles
  • The Storming of the Bastille

Frage 14

Identify the event that is described in the quote below ““Sir, the flames are sweeping through Anjou and Maine. The Comte de Laurencin read out to us yesterday the terrible events suffered by Madame, his sister, at two chateaux (houses) in Dauphine: papers burnt, the chateaux pillaged (robbed) and roofs removed if they were not burnt. They were not even left with the means of gathering and securing their harvest..”
  • The Storming of the Bastille
  • The Great Fear
  • The Women's March on Versailles
  • The September Massacre

Frage 15

The excerpt below was part of the Constitution of 1791. What kind of government does the above passage describe? 2. The person of the King is inviolable and sacred; his only title is King of the French. 3. There is no authority in France superior to that of the law; the King reigns only thereby, and only in the name of the law may he exact obedience. 4. On his accession to the throne, or as soon as he has attained his majority, the King, in the presence of the legislative body, shall take oath to the nation to be faithful to the nation and to the law, to employ all the power delegated to him to maintain the Constitution decreed by the National Constituent Assembly in the years 1789, 1790, and 1791, and to have the laws executed.
  • A Republic
  • A Dictatorship
  • A Limited Constitutional Monarchy
  • An Absolute Monarchy

Frage 16

Identify the document where the below excerpt appeared. “His Majesty the Emperor [of Austria] and his Majesty the King of Prussia… jointly declare that they regard the present situation of his Majesty the king of France as a matter of common interest to all the sovereigns (rulers) of Europe. .”
  • The Brunswick Manifesto
  • The Friends of the People
  • The Declaration of Pillnitz
  • Danton's Address to the National Convention
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