French Revolution


Junior Certificate History Mind Map on French Revolution, created by Shane Buckley on 02/05/2013.
Shane Buckley
Mind Map by Shane Buckley, updated more than 1 year ago
Shane Buckley
Created by Shane Buckley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

French Revolution
  1. estates
    1. 1st clergy
      1. 2nd nobles
        1. 3rd rest
          1. taxes
            1. sans-cullotes
          2. Louis 16th
            1. executed Jan 1793
              1. Marie Antoinette
                1. executed 9 months after Louis
              2. Bastille day 14th July 1789
                1. Motto
                  1. Liberty
                    1. Equality
                      1. Fraternity
                      2. Republic
                        1. 1792
                          1. Vote for every man
                          2. Jacobians
                            1. Sept 1793
                              1. Maximillian Robspeirre
                                1. executed 1794
                                  1. gillotine
                              2. 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte
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