AP Exam Review


Advanced placement Human Geography Quiz am AP Exam Review, erstellt von Corbin Amos am 26/04/2016.
Corbin Amos
Quiz von Corbin Amos, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Corbin Amos
Erstellt von Corbin Amos vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

A(n) [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] is an area in a developed country in which healthy food is scarce or otherwise difficult to acquire.
  • food desert
  • region of famine
  • fast food establishment
  • starving region
  • drought-stricken area
  • infertile region

Frage 2

Washington, DC is one of the few major cities in the United States that lacks skyscrapers.
  • True
  • False

Frage 3

CBD is an abbreviation of [blank_start]__________[blank_end] [blank_start]__________[blank_end] [blank_start]__________[blank_end]
  • Central
  • Communal
  • Capitol
  • Comprehensive
  • Business
  • Banking
  • Border
  • Building
  • District
  • Distribution
  • Deglomeration
  • Downtown

Frage 4

Cities utilize the space underneath the city for
  • cable and telephone lines
  • internet lines
  • subterranean transportation (aka subways)
  • vehicle housing (aka parking garages)
  • drilling and mining operations
  • groundwater harvesting

Frage 5

Facts about [blank_start]Thomas[blank_end] [blank_start]Malthus[blank_end]: 1. Wrote an essay in [blank_start]1798[blank_end]: The population was [blank_start]increasing[blank_end] faster than the [blank_start]food supply[blank_end] 2. Recognised the nature of [blank_start]exponential[blank_end] growth 3. Suggested [blank_start]British[blank_end] population growth might be checked after [blank_start]50 years[blank_end] 4. Could not foresee the impacts of [blank_start]colonization[blank_end] and [blank_start]migration[blank_end]
  • Thomas
  • Timothy
  • Terrance
  • Malthus
  • Montague
  • Moses
  • 1798
  • 1879
  • 1987
  • increasing
  • decreasing
  • exponential
  • polynomial
  • linear
  • British
  • French
  • U.S.
  • 50 years
  • 60 years
  • 70 years
  • colonisation
  • urbanisation
  • globalisation
  • migration
  • population
  • instigation
  • means of subsistence
  • population density

Frage 6

How many of the responses below are part of Ravenstein's laws of migration?
  • Net migration amounts to a fraction of the gross migration between two places.
  • The majority of migrants move a short distance.
  • Migrants who move longer distances tend to choose big-city destinations.
  • Urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas.
  • Families are less likely to make international moves than young adults.
  • For the most part, migrants will decide to enter the same places that their friends or family have migrated to in the past.
  • North America has the highest net in-migration of all regions on Earth.
  • The larger and closer together two cities are, the greater the interaction between the two places.

Frage 7

Three groups of population policies exist. Expansion population policies [blank_start]encourage[blank_end] larger families and often provide financial incentives to families with [blank_start]more[blank_end] children or [blank_start]more[blank_end] potential children. Eugenic population policies encourage a [blank_start]homogeneous[blank_end] culture and society [blank_start]deliberately[blank_end]. Restrictive population polices attempt to [blank_start]decrease[blank_end] their population through [blank_start]tolerance[blank_end] of officially unapproved contraception and [blank_start]prohibition[blank_end] of large families.
  • encourage
  • discourage
  • more
  • fewer
  • additional
  • less
  • homogeneous
  • heterogeneous
  • deliberately
  • unintentionally
  • decrease
  • increase
  • tolerance
  • intolerance
  • prohibition
  • permission

Frage 8

[blank_start]Core regions[blank_end] have achieved high levels of socioeconomic prosperity, while [blank_start]periphery regions[blank_end] struggle to handle their own affairs independently.
  • periphery regions
  • Core regions

Frage 9

Jewish migration to Israel from the Soviet Union demonstrates a cultural catalyst of migration.
  • True
  • False

Frage 10

A [blank_start]lingua franca[blank_end] denotes any common language used by people with [blank_start]different[blank_end] native tongues in order to communicate with each other. Prior to worldwide [blank_start]European[blank_end] conquest, [blank_start]traders[blank_end] created this concept. Today, Esperanto is used as an international auxiliary language on a global scale.
  • lingua franca
  • convergent language
  • auxiliary language
  • intercultural language
  • different
  • similar
  • related
  • the exact same
  • European
  • American
  • African
  • Asian
  • traders
  • pioneers
  • colonists
  • political leaders

Frage 11

This language has become the lingua franca of East Africa, as it is spoken commonly in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda.
  • Kiswahili (Swahili)
  • Zulu
  • Bantu
  • Xhosa
  • English

Frage 12

A [blank_start]pidgin[blank_end] language is a language that is modified and simplified through contact with other languages.
  • pidgin

Frage 13

[blank_start]Creolisation[blank_end] occurs when a [blank_start]pidgin[blank_end] language develops into a mother tongue over time.
  • Creolisation
  • Acculturation
  • Assimilation
  • Pidginisation
  • Accentation
  • Convergence
  • pidgin
  • creole
  • lingua franca
  • dialect
  • accent
  • convergent

Frage 14

This is the correct term used to describe a widespread religion that is actively in search of new converts. The term categorises the most popular religions on a global scale, which have the most adherents by definition.
  • Universalising religion
  • Global religion
  • Worldwide religion
  • Ethnic religion
  • Widespread religion
  • Popular religion

Frage 15

[blank_start]Ethnic[blank_end] religions, aka cultural religions, are [blank_start]not actively[blank_end] seeking new converts. They're typically spatially concentrated, such as how Hinduism is prevalent in [blank_start]India[blank_end]. However, [blank_start]Judaism[blank_end] is a widespread [blank_start]ethnic[blank_end] religion due to the migration of the [blank_start]Jewish[blank_end] diaspora.
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • the USA
  • Judaism
  • Sunni Islam
  • Christianity
  • Sikhism
  • Shii'te Islam
  • Baha'i
  • Jewish
  • Christian
  • Sikh
  • Sunni
  • Shii'te
  • Baha'i
  • ethnic
  • universalising
  • Ethnic
  • Universalising
  • not actively
  • actively

Frage 16

Centripetal forces are forces that promote unity and nationalism.
  • True
  • False

Frage 17

When the amount of [blank_start]centrifugal[blank_end] forces outweigh the amount of [blank_start]centripetal[blank_end] forces in a state, that state will almost invariably collapse.
  • centrifugal
  • centripetal

Frage 18

[blank_start]Primary sector activities:[blank_end] -hunting and gathering -farming and agriculture -livestock herding -fishing -forestry and lumbering -mining and quarrying [blank_start]Secondary sector activities:[blank_end] -ironsmelting/metallurgy (making and forming metal) -tailoring and sewing -packaging [blank_start]Tertiary sector activities:[blank_end] -providing services -allowing [blank_start]consumers[blank_end] to access the products of [blank_start]producers[blank_end] [blank_start]Quaternary sector activities:[blank_end] economics, finance, and the movement of money [blank_start]Quinary sector activities:[blank_end] research, medicine, and higher education
  • Primary sector activities:
  • Secondary sector activities:
  • Tertiary sector activities:
  • Quaternary sector activities:
  • Quinary sector activities:
  • consumers
  • producers
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