Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
When do odontoblasts and ameloblasts appear?
cap stage
bell stage
Frage 2
Which of the following is true
Plexus of Rashkow is the dense network of myelinated nerve fibers
The Zone of Weil is devoid of capillaries and nerves
Pulp has propioception
Pulp contains nociceptors, unmyelinated mechano-receptors, and myelinated C fibers
Thin, unmyelinated fibers with a neurolemma control blood flow and pressure at the dental pulp
Frage 3
Which of the following are principle fibers?
Frage 4
Odontoblasts are derived from ectomesenchymal cells. In life, they are later replaced by undifferentiated stem cells of the pulp.
Frage 5
Which of the following is false
β-catenin is required in odontoblasts for tooth root formation
Lateral canals can be found in the apical 1/3rd of the root
Odontoblasts are more columnar at the root
There are more dentinal tubules in the crown
Dentinal tubules are more innervated in the crown
Frage 6
After placement of a dental implant, which of the following fibers will be present after healing?
dentogingival and circular
alveologingival and dentoperiosteal
circular and transeptal
circular and alveologingival
alveolar crest and circular
Frage 7
Most dentin matrix secretion is when .25-.5mm of dentin thickness remains. TGF B1 and TGF B3 are required molecular stimuli for secretion.
Frage 8
Which of the following is false about pulp circulation and blood flow?
Pulp flow is increased by inflammation
Pulp flow is increased by CGRP and SP
Pulp flow is decreased by epinephrine
Pulp flow is increased by initiation of pulpal necrosis
Pulp flow is decreased by orthognathic surgery
Frage 9
Odontoblasts are NOT...
Pseudostratified in pulp chamber
Columnar at the pulp chamber
Cuboidal at the radicular pulp
Squamous at the radicular pulp
a single layer at the junction of the pulp and the dentin
Frage 10
Which of the following is false?
Unmyelinated C fibers are pain fibers with a high threshold
A beta are large, myelinated, and have a low-threshold
A delta are small and have a high threshold.
A beta feel innocuous toch and mechanical sensation
A delta feels pain, cold, some heat
Frage 11
Which of the following is false?
Irreversible pulpitis is often predicted by spontaneous pain
Best predictor of post-endodontic treatment plan is pre-treatment pain
Local anesthetics do not work as well when dental pulp is inflamed
The best test to determine vital versus necrotic pulp is heat followed by electric pulse.
Irreversible pulpitis can be asymptomatic
Frage 12
Central sensitization can result in referred pain that affects an entire arch. This can be due to both an increased release of neurotransmitters and increased response to neurotransmitters.
Frage 13
The cell bodies of the nerves of the pulp can be found in the trigeminal ganglia. The main mediator of pulpitis is peripherally located, unmyelinated C-fibers.