
tsampikos pompou
Quiz von tsampikos pompou, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
tsampikos pompou
Erstellt von tsampikos pompou vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

78 Whilst flying for night qualification, on course 045°, you notice the red navigation light and anti-collision light of another approaching aircraft on westerly heading . (Fig.41)
  • O There is a definite risk of collision. Alter course [to B, green], to avoid the other aircraft.
  • O There is a definite risk of collision. Alter course [to A, red], to avoid the other aircraft.
  • O There may be a risk of collision, but you have right of way. Maintain course and speed and communicate.
  • O There is no evident risk of collision.

Frage 2

79 If for any reason want to overtake another slow moving aircraft ahead of you (Fig.42). You:
  • O should turn to the right. [starboard route, B]
  • O should turn to the left. [port route, A]
  • O should climb overhead the other aircraft, since you move faster.
  • O should descent down under the other aircraft, since you move faster to gain priority.

Frage 3

81 Commander of an aircraft who has the right of way, must:
  • O (i) and (iii), is correct.
  • O (i) maintain heading and airspeed.
  • O (ii) turn right having in mind the other aircraft.
  • O (iii) to act the best way to avoid collision.

Frage 4

82 Commander of a sailplane (glider), shall give the right of way to:
  • O (ii) free balloon
  • O (i) airship.
  • O (iii) aircraft towing banners.
  • O (iv) free balloon and airship, is correct.

Frage 5

84 Commander of an airship, shall give the right of way to:
  • O (i) and (iii), is correct.
  • O (i) sailplane (glider),
  • O (ii) aircraft towing a glider.
  • O (iii) free balloon.

Frage 6

85 What is the correct position of stable navigation lights on an aircraft structure?
  • O green right, white rear, red left.
  • O green right, red rear, white left.
  • O red left, green rear, white left.
  • O white left, red rear, green right.

Frage 7

86 What is an aircrafts direction when during the night, we spot a green steady navigation light ?
  • O Approaching from the left.
  • O Approaching from the right.
  • O Approaching head on.
  • O Is ahead of us.

Frage 8

88 Aircraft overtaking another, must:
  • O (i) and (iii), is correct.
  • O (i) remain out of overtaken's route.
  • O (ii) to turn left.
  • O (iii) to turn right,

Frage 9

89 What navigation lights of an aircraft, ahead of us, can be watched, to be considered as being overtaken.
  • O white.
  • O red.
  • O green.
  • O green and white.

Frage 10

91 What is the correct combination of the following light signals from an ATC to an aircraft on the ground? (Fig.28)
  • O Series of white flashes ---> Return to starting point on the aerodrome.
  • O Steady green ---> Cleared to taxi.
  • O Series of green flashes ---> Taxi to clear of landing area in use.
  • O Series of red flashes ---> Clear to take-off.

Frage 11

92 Series of red flashes from ATC to aircraft in flight, Fig.30, means:
  • O Aerodrome unsafe, do not land.
  • O Taxi clear of landing area in use.
  • O Return for landing.
  • O Expedite landing.

Frage 12

93 Steady red light signal from ATC to aircraft in flight, (Fig. 29), means:
  • O Give way to other a/c and continue circling.
  • O Return for landing.
  • O Aerodrome unfit for landing.
  • O Proceed to alternate aerodrome.

Frage 13

94 You are in level cruise at night and observe both an anti-collision and red navigation light that appear to be at the same level, and on a steady relative bearing of 35°. The lights also appear to become closer. That indicates:
  • O that there is an airplane on a collision course with you and it is you, that must give way.
  • O that there is an airplane on a collision course with you, which should give you priority.
  • O that you turn 180 degrees.
  • O that there is an airplane head on with you and you should turn left.

Frage 14

95 Collision avoidance between two aircrafts is the responsibility of ………………………………………………………....
  • O the pilots.
  • O the ATSU.
  • O the Operators.

Frage 15

96 When an aircraft is sighted and you have right of way, you should maintain:
  • O course and speed.
  • O course and speed and stabilized descend.
  • O height and speed.
  • O course and speed and stabilized climb.

Frage 16

98 An anti-collision light is defined as being:
  • O a flashing red or white light in a fixed wing and a flashing red light in a helicopter.
  • O a flashing red light in respect of both fixed wing and rotor craft.
  • O a flashing red or white light in respect of both fixed wing and rotor craft.
  • O a flashing green in any kind of flying vehicle.

Frage 17

100 Which of the following is true?
  • O Airships must give way to gliders and balloons.
  • O Gliders must give way to airships and balloons.
  • O Balloons must give way to airships.
  • O Hang-gliders give way to Parachutes.

Frage 18

101 Parachuting or skydiving from an aircraft is only allowed, apart from in an emergency, when:
  • O permission has been granted by the CAA.
  • O VFR conditions exist.
  • O it is carried out from an approved aerodrome.
  • O only where a Drop Zone underneath exist.

Frage 19

102 . You are following the railway line from Alexandria to Tempi.. To which side of the railway line should you fly?
  • O Τo the left.
  • O Τo the right.
  • O Left or right, doesn't matter at all, since it is a VFR flight.
  • O Exactly above the rail tracks.

Frage 20

103 . You are following the railway line from Tempi to Alexandria. To which side of the railway line should you fly?
  • O Τo the left.
  • O Τo the right.
  • O Left or right, doesn't matter at all.
  • O Exactly above the rail tracks.

Frage 21

104 An aircraft is following a track along Axios river, oriented from Delta of the river (Delt pt), to Polykastron airport (Falia pt). Should keep that feature:
  • O to its left.
  • O to its right.
  • O on either side.
  • O right above it.

Frage 22

105 No aircraft shall be flown acrobatically except under:
  • O (ii) executed under a permission granted by the CAA.
  • O (i) executed in an area designated by CAA.
  • O (iii) executed under a clearance from ATC.
  • O (i) and (iii), is correct.

Frage 23

106 Commander of an aircraft taking part in formation flight, must keep a distance:
  • O not exceeding 1 km (0.5 nm) laterally and longitudinally and 30 m (100 ft) vertically from the flight leader.
  • O 1500 m longitudinal separation.
  • O quite enough to avoid collision.
  • O enough to be in of sight.

Frage 24

107 Acrobatic is………………………………………………………:
  • O a flight where abrupt maneuvers being executed by an aircraft that affect radically the conditions of flight, abrupt change of speed occurs and generally abnormal flight condition exist.
  • O a military flight where maneuvers being executed, in normal flight envelope and abrupt change of speed occurs.
  • O a flight where special maneuvers being executed by aircraft(s) and affect radically their speed.
  • O a flight where special maneuvers being executed by a number aircrafts and affect radically the change of height.

Frage 25

108 If a pilot finds himself about to enter, or already in, an active Danger Area, Restricted Area or Prohibited Area, he should take immediate action:
  • O to avoid the area or leave it by the shortest route without changing level.
  • O to land as soon as possible.
  • O to climb to a safe altitude.
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