Frage 1
a previously healthy 31 year old wman experiences extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage at the base of the brain , she is a frebrile , the CSF protein is slightly increased but the glucose is normal , which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
Frage 2
a 50 year old man has 3 cm diameter left frontal lobe mass with areas of calcification , microscopically , sheets of regular cells with spherical nuclei surrounded by clear halo of cytoplasm are seen , which of the following diagnosis is most likely to be made on microscopic examination of this mass ?
Frage 3
a 9 year old child has enlargedement of the lateral ventricles with a 4cm homogenous , well circumscribed mass within the fourth ventricle , which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
metastatic carcinoma
Frage 4
a 65 year old man develops new onset seizures and headaches , a CT scan reavels a 6cm left sided intracerebral mass , which of the following is the most likely diagnoisis ?
Frage 5
a 10 year old girl develops ataxia and hyrdocephalus ,CT scan shows a midline cerebellar mass , which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
Frage 6
a multinodular goiter in a 39 year old female whose thyroid function tests are normal is best characterized by which of the following statement or condition ?
possible development of thyrotixicosis
predispostion to development of papillary carcinoma
presence of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins
previous viral infection
painful enlargment
Frage 7
a 62 year old male with back pain and a fracture at the T8 vertebra is found to have hypercalcemina , he has renal troubles due to repeated formations of ureteric stones , which of the following disease is the least likely to have ?
Frage 8
a 25 year old man presents because of fullness in his neck , physical examination finds enlargement of the thyroid gland resulting from the presence of several small masses in both thyroid lobes , these nodules are surgically resected and the pathology repord diagnoses it as papillary carcinoma , which of the following histologic changes is most characteristic of this typer of carcinoma ?
Frage 9
a 59 year old woman present with increased fullness in her neck , physical examination reveals a single mass in the thyroid , clinically she is found to be euthyroid , her serum TSH is within normal , histologic section reveals capsulated follicular neoplasm , where in follicles are similar to normal thyroid tissue , no evidence of nuclear anaplasia but focal invasion of the capsule is found , which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
colloid carcinoma
colloid goiter
diffuse nontoxic goiter
follicular adenoma
follicular carcinoma
Frage 10
a 37 year old man present with a single , firm mass within the thyroid gland , histologic examination of the mass reveals organoid nests of tumor cells , separated by broad bands of stroma , the latter stains positively with congo red stain , which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
follicular carcinoma
papillary carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma
medullary carcinoma
anaplastic carcinoma