Taleem Quran English Quiz 61


Quiz on Taleem Quran English Quiz 61 Audio Lec By Sis Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz von TQ English Quiz, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Erstellt von TQ English Quiz vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

1) What are the two ways in which Mann can be shown?
  • Mann bil Fa'el : showing favors with actions.
  • Mann bil Khaul : showing favors with words.
  • Mann bil Khaul : not showing favors with words .
  • Mann bil Fa'el : not showing favors with actions.

Frage 2

Why are we afraid to spend our wealth on others?
  • because Fear of losing our wealth.
  • because Fear of losing our health.
  • because Fear of losing our time.

Frage 3

Which actions nullify our sadaqa?
  • Mann (Reminding others of our favors)
  • Azaa (hurting others)
  • Riyaa (Showing off to people)
  • pure intention

Frage 4

Who practices Riyaa?
  • the one who is Munafiq
  • the one who is Kafir
  • the one who is Mutaqeen

Frage 5

What are the ways in which we can give Sadaqa ?
  • Publicly
  • Secretly
  • Riyaa
  • Azaa

Frage 6

When does a person do Tasbeet?
  • When our emaan is shaky and we need to make it firm.
  • When our emaan is not shaky and we do not need to make it firm.
  • When our emaan is firm and we need to make it shaky.

Frage 7

Daeef mens Either the children are sick or too young.
  • True
  • False

Frage 8

We can hurt people by humiliating or taunting them.
  • True
  • False

Frage 9

what is the root word and the meaning of يَحۡزَنُونَ?
  • ح ز ن - Regret / grief / Feeling of sadness over losing something
  • ح ن ز - Regret / grief / Feeling of sadness over losing something
  • ح ز ن - no Regret / no grief / no Feeling of sadness over losing something
  • ز ح ن - Regret / grief / Feeling of sadness over losing something

Frage 10

What is the root word and the meaning for صَلۡدً۬ا‌?
  • د ل ص - not Barren / full of life
  • ص ل د - Barren / life less
  • ص ل د - not Barren / full of life
  • د ل ص - Barren / life less
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