BUSL - Exam #3


Quiz am BUSL - Exam #3, erstellt von ermarv12 am 01/05/2014.
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Erstellt von ermarv12 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

To be legally sufficient, consideration must be bargained for and be of legal value.
  • True
  • False

Frage 2

The Statute of Frauds requires the writing to be a single integrated document.
  • True
  • False

Frage 3

If a debt is liquidated, the parties have a good faith disagreement on the exact amount of the debt.
  • True
  • False

Frage 4

Minors may avoid both executory and executed contracts
  • True
  • False

Frage 5

After Uncle Ned is declared incompetent to manage his own legal affairs, his court-appointed guardian, Stewie, can sign contracts on Ned's behalf.
  • True
  • False

Frage 6

Adam sent Eve an offer by surface mail. Eve may accept the offer by overnight courier.
  • True
  • False

Frage 7

An unconditional offer of cash or a cash equivalent in exchange for services to be provided is an example of the incurring of a legal detriment.
  • True
  • False

Frage 8

A contract that, by its own terms, can be performed within a year from the date of making, must be in writing to be enforceable.
  • True
  • False

Frage 9

Carl and Daniel agree Daniel owes Carl $500. If Carl agrees to accept $400 from Daniel to settle the debt, the debt will be discharged.
  • True
  • False

Frage 10

A unilateral mistake of a material fact may be grounds for the mistaken party to rescind a contract if the non-mistaken party did not know or have reason to know of the mistake.
  • True
  • False

Frage 11

Brad accepts Stanley's offer to ell his sailboat for $3,000. The contract does not include a time for the exchange of the money for the boat. A court may not supply the performance term to complete the contract.
  • True
  • False

Frage 12

Sheree intends to testify she was a minor when she entered into a written contract with Terrance. Under the Parol Evidence Rule, this testimony would be ruled inadmissible.
  • True
  • False

Frage 13

If the offeree has substantially performed the requested act in an offer for a unilateral contract, the offeror is prevented from revoking the offer.
  • True
  • False

Frage 14

Angus rejects Charlie's offer to purchase Angus' pool table for $700, then changes his mind and communicates an acceptance of the offer. Angus' acceptance is effective and a contract now exists.
  • True
  • False

Frage 15

Under the UCC, parties may agree to modify the terms of an existing contract without providing new consideration.
  • True
  • False

Frage 16

In determining whether a contract can be performed within a year, the measuring period starts the day the contract is signed and ends when the performance is completed.
  • True
  • False

Frage 17

Extraordinary difficulties unforeseen at the time a contract was formed may justify a demand for additional compensation
  • True
  • False

Frage 18

Angela offers to pay Paula $1,000 if she will not paint the front door to her home magenta. If Paula agrees, a valid, enforceable contract exists.
  • True
  • False

Frage 19

Giving up the right to sue on a valid claim may be consideration for receiving a sum of money to resolve a case in litigation.
  • True
  • False

Frage 20

Mike has completed and been paid for a renovation of Ike's summer home. Ike is so pleased he offers to pay Mike an additional $2,000. Ike's promise is legally binding.
  • True
  • False

Frage 21

At Common Law, a transaction that lacks a bargained-for exchange of consideration will not be upheld even if the parties knowingly and voluntarily consented to it.
  • True
  • False

Frage 22

Andi, a representative for Nature's Best Juice Co., has contracted for the entire crop of Bill's cranberry crop. This contract fails for indefiniteness.
  • True
  • False

Frage 23

A recital of nominal consideration is always interpreted to be sham consideration.
  • True
  • False

Frage 24

During formation of a contract parties may offer as consideration promises to do what they are already legally required to do.
  • True
  • False

Frage 25

An oral agreement to hire an employee for two years is not enforceable.
  • True
  • False

Frage 26

The Common Law requirement that the acceptance contain exactly the same terms as the offer is the _________ rule
  • Mail Box
  • Mirror Image
  • Offer Protection
  • Offeror Protection

Frage 27

Which element of a contract is met by a meeting of the minds?
  • Agreement
  • Consideration
  • Capacity
  • Legality

Frage 28

Courts use the "main purpose" rule to determine
  • whether a promisor has received something of value to justify his/her liability to a promisee
  • whether a contract is outside the Statute of Frauds
  • whether goods are classified as equipment or inventory for tax purposes
  • whether a warranty is express or implied

Frage 29

In which of the following situations would oral evidence be allowed?
  • To contradict the terms of partially integrated contract
  • To clarify the terms of a fully integrated contract
  • To prove a contract is not fully integrated
  • None of the above

Frage 30

The term for the withdrawal of an offer by an offeror is
  • recission
  • rejection
  • revocation
  • removal

Frage 31

Ann is injured in an accident caused by Bob. Bob agrees to pay Ann $2,500 if she agrees to release Bob from further liability. Ann agrees. If Ann's damages ultimately exceed $2,500, Ann can
  • collect the balance from Bob in a breach-of-contract suit
  • collect the balance from Bob in a tort suit
  • collect the balance from Bob on the ground of unforeseen difficulties
  • not collect the balance from Bob

Frage 32

Bay Crab Processor has a contract with Jim, a local crabber, to buy all the crabs Jim catches during the season for $35 a bushel. This is an example of a(n) __________ contract.
  • requirements
  • output
  • unilateral
  • implied-in-law

Frage 33

Alan and Britney enter into an oral contract. Alan lists the terms on a sheet of paper containing his business logo and address and signs it. Britney does not sign the paper. This agreement is enforceable against
  • Alan only
  • Alan or Britney
  • Britney only
  • Neither Alan nor Britney

Frage 34

Which of the following statements about nominal consideration is correct?
  • Giving your sibling a quitclaim deed (a deed which foregoes a claim on property) for your 1/8 share in your family home for $1 is an example of nominal consideration
  • Nominal consideration will support an enforceable contract
  • Nominal consideration is another term for sham consideration
  • Statements a and b are correct

Frage 35

Which of the following is not a term a court will supply if it is missing in the contract?
  • Price of the goods
  • Time for performance
  • Quantity of goods purchased
  • The court will supply all the above if the are missing in a contract governed by the Code

Frage 36

Which of the following statements is true about modifying contracts governed by the Code?
  • No new consideration is required to modify an existing contract
  • Modifications must be made in good faith
  • Parties may agree all modifications to an existing contract must be in writing
  • All of the above are true statements

Frage 37

Milo files a suit against National Corporation under the doctrine of promissory estoppel. Milo must show that
  • Milo justifiably refused to fulfill a promise to National
  • Milo justifiably relied on National's promise to his detriment
  • National justifiably refused to fulfill a promise to Milo
  • National justifiably relied on Milo's promise to its detriment

Frage 38

Parol evidence is evidence based on
  • oral statements
  • usage of the trade
  • provisions handwritten into a contract
  • waivers of liability

Frage 39

Which of the following is an example of an unliquidated debt?
  • A promissory note for the sum of $10,000 to be repaid in 6 years at 5% interest
  • A cell phone service contract for $29.99 per month
  • A bill sent to homeowner by contractor for an additional $500 for cost overruns; owner claims he owes only $250
  • An installment sales contract for the purchase of a $5,000 mower with $200 down and the rest financed at 8% for 3 years

Frage 40

Larry Lawyer entered into a contract to buy land from a client at well below market value. The client was elderly and trusted Larry as his lawyer and son of his best friend to be fair and give him good advice. Client can rescind the contract based on
  • undue influence
  • duress
  • unilateral mistake of fact
  • unilateral mistake of value

Frage 41

Cashing a check marked "paid in full" creates an accord and satisfaction under which circumstances?
  • The check is for a lesser sum than the amount due on a liquidated debt
  • The check is for an unliquidated debt and both parties know of the dispute
  • The check is for any transaction governed by the Code
  • The check is in payment of a court judgment

Frage 42

If an offer does not specify how long it will remain open, it will remain open for
  • a reasonable period of time
  • one business day
  • one week
  • one month

Frage 43

Frank put an ad in the local paper stating he had a 1998 Avalon with 110,000 miles for sale for $9,000. Which statement best describes the legal status of this ad?
  • It is an offer to sell the car because it meets the requirement of definiteness
  • It is a firm offer to sell the car because it evidences a present commitment
  • It is an option offer to sell the car because it is communicated to multiple offerees
  • It is not an offer, but an announcement that he has a car to sell

Frage 44

Which of the following is an illusory promise?
  • "I will buy tickets to the World Series if the Yankees win the pennant."
  • "I will go with you to the donkey basketball game if I can't think of anything better to do."
  • "I will drive you to work if your car is still in the repair shop."
  • "I will buy your car if my husband likes it."

Frage 45

Dell, a farmer, has an agreement to lease 500 acres from Wood for 3 years. Must this agreement be in writing to be enforceable?
  • Yes, it is an interest in land and the lease is for more than one year
  • Yes, all leases of farmland are governed by the Statute of Purposes and must be in writing
  • No, all leases of farmland over 500 acres are governed by the Statute of Repose and may be oral
  • No, as soon as Dell plants crops a unilateral contract is formed that does not have to be in writing

Frage 46

On June 25, Sam Seller mailed Ben Buyer an offer to sell his car to Ben for $10,000. The offer arrived on June 28. Ben put his acceptance in the mail on June 30, but, because of the long holiday, it did not arrive at Sam's home until July 7. Sam found a buyer who was willing to pay $11,000 for the car and mailed a revocation on June 27. Ben got the revocation on July 1. Was a contract formed between Sam and Ben? If so, on what date did it become effective?
  • Yes, there is a contract that became effective on June 30, the day Ben mailed the acceptance.
  • Yes, there is a contract that became effective on July 7, the day the acceptance arrived
  • No, there is no contract because Ben received the revocation before Sam received the acceptance
  • No, there is no contract because the revocation was sent before Ben received the offer

Frage 47

Quinn promises to sell his RV to Sid, who builds a structure behind his house in which to keep it. Quinn's attempt to renege on the promise is
  • effective if Quinn did not ask Sid to build anything
  • effective if Quinn wants to sell the RV to someone else
  • not effective if Sid cannot obtain a similar RV for a similar price elsewhere
  • not effective if Sid is held to have detrimentally relied on the promise

Frage 48

Ruth, a minor, charges groceries at Sam's Mart. Two days later, Ruth disaffirms the purchase. Ruth owes Sam's Mart
  • the reasonable value of groceries
  • the retail value of the groceries
  • the wholesale value of the groceries
  • nothing

Frage 49

Alpha Cable Company, a subcontractor, understates its bid on a project for Beta Communications, Inc., the general contractor, due to an addition error. Alpha can most likely
  • recover damages from Beta for not catching the error
  • require Beta to pay the difference between the bid and the true cost
  • rescind the contract
  • none of the above
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