Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Frage 1
What happens when the following program is compiled and run?
public class MyData {
String name;
int i;
int i2 = 4;
int i3 = i2 / i;
public static void main(String[] args){
MyData md = new MyData();
This code writes "0" to the standard output.
This code writes nothing to the standard output.
This code writes "null" to the standard output.
This code writes error dividing by zero to the standard output.
Frage 2
What happens when the following program is compiled and run?
public class Employee {
// Primitive data types
double salary;
int age;
boolean isPaid;
char gender = 'm'; // m = male, f = female
public static void main(String[] args){
Employee emp = new Employee();
System.out.print(" " + emp.salary + ",");
System.out.print(" " + emp.age + ",");
System.out.print(" " + emp.isPaid + ",");
System.out.print(" " + emp.gender);
This code writes ", , , m" to the standard output.
This code writes "1.0, 1, true, m" to the standard output.
This code writes "0.0, 0, false, m" to the standard output.
This code does not compile, because some of the variables are not initialized.
Frage 3
What will be the result of calling the following method with an input of 2?
1. public int adder( int N ){
2. return 0x100 + N++ ;
3. }
The method will return 258.
The method will return 102.
The method will return 259.
The method will return 103.
Frage 4
What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
1. public class Logic {
2. static int minusOne = -1 ;
3. static public void main(String args[] ){
4. int N = minusOne >> 31 ;
5. System.out.println("N = " + N );
6. }
7. }
The program will compile and run, producing the output "N = -1".
The program will compile and run, producing the output "N = 1".
A runtime ArithmeticException will be thrown.
The program will compile and run, producing the output "N = 0".
Frage 5
How many String objects are created in the following code?
1. String A, B, C ;
2. A = new String( "1234" ) ;
3. B = A ;
4. C = A + B ;
Frage 6
Which of the following versions of initializing a char variable would cause a compiler error? [Check all correct answers.]
char c = - 1 ;
char c = '\u00FF' ;
char c = (char) 4096 ;
char c = 4096L ;
char c = 'c' ;
char c = "c" ;
char c = - 1 ;
char c = '\u00FF' ;
char c = (char) 4096 ;
char c = 4096L ;
char c = 'c' ;
char c = "c" ;
Frage 7
What happens when you try to compile and run the following code?
1. public class EqualsTest{
2. public static void main(String args[]){
3. char A = '\u0005' ;
4. if( A == 0x0005L ) {
5. System.out.println("Equal");
6. }
7. else {
8. System.out.println("Not Equal");
9. }
10. }
11. }
The compiler reports "Invalid character in input" in line 3.
The program compiles and prints "Not Equal".
The program compiles and prints "Equal".
The compiler objects to the use of == to compare a char and a long.
Frage 8
In the following code fragment, you know that the getParameter call may return a null if there is no parameter named size:
1. int sz ;
2. public void init(){
3. sz = 10 ;
4. String tmp = getParameter("size");
5. if( tmp != null X tmp.equals("BIG"))
sz = 20 ;
6. }
Frage 9
What would happen if you tried to compile and run the following code?
1. public class EqualsTest{
2. public static void main(String args[]){
3. Long L = new Long( 7 );
4. if( L.equals( 7L ))
5. else System.out.println("Not Equal");
6. }
7. }
The program would compile and print "Equal".
The program would compile and print "Not Equal".
The compiler would object to line 4.
A runtime cast error would occur at line 4.
Frage 10
What would happen if you tried to compile and run the following code?
1. public class EqualsTest{
2. public static void main(String args[]){
3. Object A = new Long( 7 );
4. Long L = new Long( 7 ) ;
5. if( A.equals( L ))
6. else System.out.println("Not Equal");
7. }
8. }
The program would compile and print "Equal".
The program would compile and print "Not Equal".
The compiler would object to line 5.
A runtime cast error would occur at line 5.