Psych 215 Final Exam


Unknown assignament/quizzes Quiz am Psych 215 Final Exam, erstellt von Jade P am 21/07/2017.
Jade P
Quiz von Jade P, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jade P
Erstellt von Jade P vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

If a sample is selected from a population, the sample mean is essentially guaranteed to be different from the population mean. In general, the naturally occurring difference between a sample statistic and the corresponding population parameter is called what?
  • type I error
  • type II error
  • sampling error
  • inferential error

Frage 2

When an observer switches recording from one behavior during one interval to another behavior during another interval, it is known as ____ sampling.
  • time
  • individual
  • event
  • frequency

Frage 3

What outcome is likely to occur for a hypothesis test evaluating a treatment that has a very large and robust effect?
  • Type I error
  • a Type II error
  • correctly rejecting the null hypothesis
  • correctly failing to reject the null hypothesis

Frage 4

A researcher uses an anonymous survey to investigate the study habits of American college students. Based on the set of 56 surveys that were completed and returned, the researcher finds that these students spend an average of 4.1 hours each week working on course material outside of class. For this study, the average of 4.1 hours is an example of a(n) ____.
  • parameter
  • statistic
  • population
  • sample

Frage 5

The idiographic approach to research involves ____.
  • direct observation of individuals without their knowledge
  • interviewing people in a small group setting
  • the intensive study of one individual
  • the study of groups

Frage 6

What is the purpose for using habituation in an observational research study?
  • It helps ensure the objectivity of the measurements.
  • It helps ensure the reliability of the measurements.
  • It provides an operational definition for the variables being measured.
  • It helps ensure that the people being observed are not influenced by the presence of an observer.

Frage 7

Content analysis involves using behavioral observation techniques to record behaviors that ____.
  • occurred in the past
  • occur in institutional settings such as hospitals or prisons
  • occur in response to the researcher's suggestion
  • occur in movies or television shows

Frage 8

One category of data is obtained by measuring one variable for each individual in a single group of participants. What statistics are most commonly used for data in this category?.
  • descriptive statistics
  • t tests or analysis of variance
  • correlations or chi-square tests
  • analysis of variance or chi-square tests

Frage 9

In the observational study of adolescents at the mall, you count the number of social interaction behaviors that occur within a one-hour observation period. This is an example of the ____ method of quantifying behavior.
  • frequency
  • duration
  • interval
  • behavior counting

Frage 10

Which statistic was developed to correct problems with inter-rater reliability?
  • Cohen's kappa
  • Cronbach's alpha
  • Kuder-Richardson formula 20
  • Spearman-Brown formula

Frage 11

If the data in a scatter plot form a nearly perfect circle, the Pearson correlation would be approximately ____.
  • +0.8 or +0.9
  • -0.8 or -0.9
  • 1.00
  • zero

Frage 12

On a questionnaire, Dr. Ondirk asks participants to answer the following questions? "What do you think about the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes?" This is an example of a(n) ____ question.
  • restricted
  • rating scale
  • open-ended
  • partially open-ended

Frage 13

During a study using the behavioral research strategy, it is common to prepare a list of behaviors called behavioral categories before the actual observation begins. The least likely purpose for this procedure is to ____.
  • ensure the objectivity of the measurements
  • evaluate the reliability of the measurements
  • provide an operational definition for the variables being measured
  • simplify the recording task for the observer(s)

Frage 14

A researcher conducts a survey to determine the average number of text messages that college students send or receive during a typical one-hour class. Which research strategy is being used?
  • descriptive
  • correlational
  • experimental
  • nonexperimental

Frage 15

A researcher is interested in the sleeping habits of students at the local state college. The average number of hours spent sleeping each night for the entire set of students enrolled at the college is an example of a ____.
  • statistic
  • parameter
  • sample
  • population

Frage 16

Which type of question is a Likert-type question?
  • open-ended
  • restricted
  • rating scale
  • physiological

Frage 17

Rosenham's research investigating the experiences of patients and patient-staff interactions in psychiatric hospitals is an example of ____.
  • participant observation
  • naturalistic observation
  • correlational research
  • case study research

Frage 18

Which statement identifies a potential problem with Internet surveys?
  • They tend to be costly and inefficient.
  • They limit flexibility in presenting questions and response alternatives.
  • It can be difficult to find a group of participants who share a specific interest.
  • It can be difficult to control or even know the composition of the sample.

Frage 19

Bird watching is most similar to what type of research?
  • experimental
  • participant observation
  • naturalistic observation
  • quasi-experimental

Frage 20

A researcher who brings dating couples into the laboratory to be observed while they are solving a problem is most likely using ____.
  • participant observation
  • naturalistic observation
  • contrived observation
  • case study researc

Frage 21

Which general category of statistical methods is intended to answer questions about populations by using sample data?
  • parameters
  • statistics
  • descriptive statistics
  • inferential statistics

Frage 22

If a distribution of numerical scores contains one or two extremely high values, compared to the rest of the scores, which measure of central tendency would produce the most representative value?
  • the mean
  • the median
  • the mode
  • the standard deviation

Frage 23

What would the scatter plot show for data that produce a Pearson correlation of r = +.88?
  • points clustered close to a line that slopes up to the right
  • points clustered close to a line that slopes down to the right
  • points widely scattered around a line that slopes up to the right
  • points widely scattered around a line that slopes down to the right

Frage 24

The ages of the children in a summer camp range from 7 to 12 years old. A counselor constructs a frequency distribution graph showing the number of children for each of the six age groups. What kind of graph would be appropriate for this distribution
  • a line graph
  • a polygon
  • a bar graph
  • a scatter plot

Frage 25

A researcher reports a significant correlation using an alpha level of .01 . In this situation, the probability that the researcher is making a ____.
  • Type I error is p > .01
  • Type I error is p < .01
  • Type II error is p > .01
  • Type II error is p < .01

Frage 26

The concept of degrees of freedom is associated with the ____.
  • mean for a sample
  • mean for a population
  • variance for a sample
  • variance for a population

Frage 27

A researcher who wanted to observe behaviors in a private social club would probably need to use ____.
  • naturalistic observation
  • participant observation
  • contrived observation
  • unstructured observation

Frage 28

During a study using the behavioral research strategy, it is common to have two observers record behavior simultaneously. What is the purpose for this procedure?
  • It is used to ensure the objectivity of the measurements.
  • It is used to evaluate the reliability of the measurements.
  • It provides an operational definition for the variables being measured.
  • It helps ensure that the behaviors are not influenced by the presence of an observer.

Frage 29

In a hypothesis test, standard error measures ____.
  • the size of the treatment effect
  • variability for the sample data
  • the likelihood of a Type I or Type II error
  • the amount of difference expected just by chance

Frage 30

A characteristic, usually a numerical value that describes a sample, is called a ____.
  • parameter
  • statistic
  • variable
  • constant

Frage 31

A researcher has measured self-esteem for a sample of 40 first-grade children. The researcher would like to divide the children into two equal‑sized groups consisting of the high self-esteem kids and the low self-esteem kids. Which statistical measure will identify the correct score to serve as the boundary between the high and the low self-esteem groups?
  • the mean
  • the median
  • the mode
  • the standard deviation

Frage 32

If a set of scores has a mean of 45 and a standard deviation of 9, then the scores have a variance of ____.
  • 3
  • 4.5
  • 18
  • 81

Frage 33

What problem is Cohen's kappa intended to correct?
  • Split-half reliability tends to underestimate the true reliability of the full test.
  • Split-half reliability tends to overestimate the true reliability of the full test.
  • The simple percentage of agreement tends to underestimate the true level of agreement between two observers.
  • The simple percentage of agreement tends to overestimate the true level of agreement between two observers

Frage 34

What is an advantage to administering a survey over the Internet?
  • 100% response rate
  • survey can be individualized based on responses
  • risk of interviewer bias
  • none of the options are advantages

Frage 35

What type of question allows participants the greatest flexibility in deciding how to answer?
  • open-ended
  • restricted
  • rating scale
  • physiological

Frage 36

Essay questions on an exam are examples of ____ items
  • open-ended
  • restricted
  • rating scale
  • physiological

Frage 37

How does the descriptive research strategy differ from the experimental or nonexperimental research strategies?
  • It involves comparing groups of scores.
  • It does not concern relationships between variables.
  • It attempts to describe and explain relationships between variables.
  • It does not involve the measurement of variables.

Frage 38

One category of data is obtained by measuring two different variables for each individual in a single group of participants. What statistics are most commonly used for data in this category?
  • descriptive statistics
  • t tests or analysis of variance
  • correlations or chi-square tests
  • analysis of variance or chi-square tests

Frage 39

Where is a score of X = 45 located in a distribution with a mean of 40 and a standard deviation of 12?
  • slightly above average
  • far above average
  • slightly below average
  • far below average

Frage 40

What is a limitation of survey research?
  • It only can be used to measure attitudes and opinions.
  • It cannot be used to measure specific behaviors.
  • The results are often difficult to evaluate.
  • The results are limited by the truthfulness of the participants.

Frage 41

A researcher is interested in the sleeping habits of students at the local state college. The entire set of students enrolled at the college is an example of a ____.
  • statistic
  • parameter
  • sample
  • population

Frage 42

In an observational study of children in a day care setting, you select one participant at a time for observation. This is an example of using ____.
  • time sampling
  • event sampling
  • individual sampling
  • interval methodology

Frage 43

A scatter plot shows data points that are widely scattered around a line that slopes down to the right. Which value would be closest to the correlation for these data? [ASK ABOUT THIS ONE]
  • 0.80
  • 0.40
  • 0.40.
  • 0.80.

Frage 44

A researcher studies a group of 25 preschool children in order to answer questions about the entire population of preschool children. What general categories of statistical techniques will this researcher be using?
  • parameters
  • statistics
  • descriptive statistics
  • inferential statistics

Frage 45

The ____ method for quantifying observations involves counting the number of times a behavior occurs in a specified period of time.
  • duration
  • frequency
  • interval
  • time sample

Frage 46

If a frequency distribution is shown in a bar graph, what scale was used to measure the scores?
  • nominal only
  • nominal or ordinal
  • ratio only
  • interval or ratio

Frage 47

When researchers apply behavioral observation techniques to historical records in order to measure behaviors that occurred in the past, the measurement process is called ____.
  • behavioral observation
  • event sampling
  • content analysis
  • archival research

Frage 48

Which method for administering a survey requires the greatest amount of time from the researcher?
  • mailing surveys
  • making phone calls
  • distributing surveys to a group of participants
  • using the Internet

Frage 49

What is the definition of variance?
  • the sum of the scores divided by the number of scores
  • the average distance from the mean
  • the square root of the average distance from the mean
  • the average squared distance from the mean

Frage 50

A researcher has pairs of college student participants play a card game in the laboratory. However, the game is rigged to ensure that one participant experiences a long losing streak so that the researcher can observe how the losing students behave when they are frustrated. For this study, what kind of behavioral observation is being used?
  • naturalistic observation
  • participant observation
  • contrived observation
  • unstructured observation
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