
Karteikarten am CBAP BABOK v3.0 Ch2, erstellt von Simran Batala am 04/07/2014.
Simran Batala
Karteikarten von Simran Batala, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Simran Batala
Erstellt von Simran Batala vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Six Core Concepts, BACCM Change, Context, Stakeholders, Solution, Value, Need
BACCM: Change Controlled, deliberate transformation of the enterprise.
BACCM: Context The circumstances that form the setting for the change. The environment of the change inclusive of things like beliefs, attitudes, infrastructure, sales, profits, technology.
BACCM: Solution A specific way of satisfying one or more needs in a context. 1. Solves a problem for stakeholder 2. Allows stakeholder to take advantage of an opportunity 3. Enforces a requested constraint 4. Permits an activity by removing a constraint or within a created constraint
BACCM: Stakeholders A group or individual with a relationship to the change or solution. Have some form of interest or influence over the change. Grouped according to their relationship to the need, change and solution.
BACCM: Value 1. The worth or usefulness of something to a stakeholder within a context (value can be relative). 2. Potential or realized gains, returns, profits or the reverse, losses, risks, costs. 3. Tangible, as in monetary value, or intangible, as in employee morale or customer sat.
BACCM: Need 1. A problem, opportunity, or constraint with potential value to a stakeholder. 2. Needs can cause change by motivating stakeholders to act. 3. Needs can also be caused by changes which erode or enhance the value delivered by solutions.
BACCM Questions 1. What is the kind of change we're doing? 2. What are the needs we're trying to satisfy? 3. What are the solutions we're creating or changing? 4. Who are the stakeholders involved? 5. What do stakeholders consider to be of value? 6. What is the context that we and the solution are in?
Key Terms: Business Analysis Information Any and all input output data. Includes: 1. Elicitation Results 2. Requirements 3. Designs 4. Solutions 5. Scope 6. Strategy Information
Key Terms: Design Usable representations that focus on both the solution and understanding how value might be realized by a solution if it is built. Designs, like requirements, do not realize value themselves.
Key Terms: Enterprise Organizations and the solutions they use to pursue a set of common goals. People, Tools and Processes, plus vendors and external suppliers of an organization that are part of the change. Small initiatives with only a few people working on the solution is still considered an enterprise.
Key Terms: Organization Autonomous group of people under the management of a single individual, group, or board, with a clearly defined boundary, that works towards common goals and objectives
Key Terms: Plans Detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. 1. Set of events 2. Dependencies among events 3. Expected sequence 4. Schedule 5. Results or outcomes 6. Materials and resources needed 7. Stakeholders involved
Key Terms: Requirement Usable representations that focus on needs and understanding what kind of value could be delivered if a solution is built. Usable Representation Forms: Documents, Simulations, wire-frames, mock-ups, prototypes, diagrams, storyboards, and recordings can all be requirements.
Key Terms: Risk Uncertain event or decision that can can cause a stakeholder to experience a loss. Failure to mitigate risks could affect the value of the solution.
Q: How do you control risk? Controlling risk can involve reducing the chances of it occurring or reducing the consequences of the event if it occurs.
Q: Why should you mitigate risk? Failure to mitigate risks could affect the value of the solution.
Requirements Classifications Scheme 1. Business 2. Stakeholder 3. Solution 4. Transition
List of Stakeholders 1. BA 2. Change Control Board 3. Customer 4. Domain (SME) Subject Matter Expert 5. End User 6. Implementation SME 5. Operational Support 6. Project Manager 7. Project Manager 8. Regulator 9. Sponsor 10. Supplier 11. Tester
The BA uses activities found in what techniques to transform a request/need into a requirement or design? Strategy Analysis, Elicitation, Requirements Analysis and Design Definition, and Solution Evaluation
Draw Requirements and Design Cycle
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