49. For People To Pay Attention To Something, They Must First Perceive It


Karteikarten am 49. For People To Pay Attention To Something, They Must First Perceive It, erstellt von Joseph Cohn am 11/10/2017.
Joseph Cohn
Karteikarten von Joseph Cohn, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joseph Cohn
Erstellt von Joseph Cohn vor mehr als 7 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are your 5 senses? Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste.
What is the signal detection theory? A theory of 4 potential outcomes based on perceptions and whether not a stimulus is there or not.
Why would a false alarm based on the signal detection theory be bad? It would create unnecessary panic for the user.
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