

Changing climate
oliver Say
Karteikarten von oliver Say , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
oliver Say
Erstellt von oliver Say vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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CLIMATE CHANGE Any significant change in the Earth’s climate over a long period of time
Evidence for climate change comes from many different sources Ice cores, sea ice positions, diaries and paintings, temperature data
Ice cores Ice sheets made up of layers of ice - each layer is created every year Scientists drill into the ice sheets to collect long samples of ice By analysing gas particles trapping inside each layer of ice, they can tell what the temperature was each year This data collected is very detailed and reliable
Sea ice positions Sea ice forms around the poles in winter when ocean temperatures fall below -1.8 degrees centigrade and melts during the summer when it is warmer By observing the max. and min. extent of sea ice each year, scientists can tell how ocean temperatures are changing Data is very reliable, but accurate records don’t go back far
Diaries and paintings Historical diaries can show what the climate was like in the past, for example, giving the numbers of days of rain and snow there was. Paintings of fairs and markets on frozen rivers show that winters in Europe were regularly much colder 500 years ago then they are now However dairies and paintings aren’t very reliable, as they only give one persons viewpoint
Temperature data Since 1850s, global temperatures have been measured accurately using thermometers, this gives a reliable but short term record of temperature change However, weather stations are not evenly distributed across the world - data from some areas is patchy
Quaternary period Most recent geological time period, spanning from about 2.6million years ago to the present day During Quaternary, global temperatures has shifted between cold glacial periods that last for around 100,000 years, and warmer interglacial periods that last for around 10,000 years Global warming= sharp rise in global temperatures over the last century
Milankovitch cycles The way the Earth moves around the sun Stretch: path of the Earth’s orbit around the sun changes from almost a perfect circle to an ellipse(oval) and back again every 96,000 years Tilt: the Earth is tilted at an angle as it orbits
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