CAE Vocabulary 2


Tercero Inglés Karteikarten am CAE Vocabulary 2, erstellt von Sebastian Lugo am 26/11/2017.
Sebastian Lugo
Karteikarten von Sebastian Lugo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sebastian Lugo
Erstellt von Sebastian Lugo vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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To get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted He got rid of the things he didn't need anymore To ditch (diCH)
To die or suffer badly from an illness. He died of pneumonia. To succumb (səˈkəm)
To turn something, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one thing around another. If it happens with a part of your body you can get badly injured. To twist
to cause an injury to the place where bones are connected by a sudden move. When I was playing football I got injured. To sprain (sprān)
Disturb the normal position of the ligaments and bones. He suffered an injury in his shoulder. To dislocate (disˈlōkāt)
An ilness He feels very sick because of this. Ailment (ˈālmənt)
A thick substance, usually containing medicine, that is put on the skin where it is sore or where there is an injury, in order to cure it. O feel better because of the medicine the doctor put on my skin. Ointment (ˈointmənt)
To speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own. I always like to talk about that I have a truck To boast (bōst)
the act or the state of being joined together. The group of protestants are getting better, because they understand each other Union ('yo͞onyən)
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