Question | Answer |
abandon: | lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm |
abash: | embarrass; make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert |
abdicate: | give up, renounce, abandon, lay down, or withdraw from, as a right or claim |
abet: | aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage |
academic: | related to school; not practical or directly useful; relating to scholarly organization; based on formal education |
banter: | good-humored, playful conversation |
biased: | favoring one person or side over another; prejudiced |
blemish: | mark with deformity; injure or impair, as anything which is excellent; make defective, either the body or mind |
candid: | straightforward; frank; free from prejudice; impartial |
chronic: | lasting for long period; marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases |
collusion: | secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy |
compatible: | harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes |
construction: | act of constructing or building something |
copious: | plentiful; containing plenty; affording ample supply |
curt: | having been shortened; effectively cut short; rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner |
delete: | erase; strike out; remove or make invisible |
deluge: | great flood; heavy downpour; any overflowing of water |
denounce: | condemn openly; criticize; make known in formal manner |
devastation: | an event that results in total destruction; the state of being decayed or destroyed |
disconsolate: | sad; cheerless; gloomy; hopeless or not expecting |
diverse: | differing in some characteristics; various |
edict: | decree ,especially issued by a sovereign; official command |
elicit: | draw out; bring forth or to light; generate or provoke as response or answer |
erudite: | learned; scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books |
exodus: | departure of a large number of people |
feasible: | capable of being accomplished or brought about |
fiasco: | complete failure; sudden and violent collapse |
fluctuate: | rise and fall in or as if in waves; shift; vary irregularly |
genesis: | coming into being of something; origin |
gregarious: | sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others |
hail: | call for; salute; greet; praise vociferously |
heinous: | grossly wicked; abominable; hateful; infamous |
hovel: | shack; small, wretched house |
immune: | resistant to; free or exempt from; not subject to |
import: | bring in from another country |
incarcerate: | imprison; put into jail; shut up or inclose |
inordinate: | exceeding reasonable limits; excessive; not regulated; disorderly |
jargon: | language used by a special group; technical terminology; nonsensical or meaningless talk |
labyrinth: | maze; complex structure of interconnecting passages |
lavish: | liberal; wasteful; excessive spending |
lucid: | easily understood; clear; intelligible |
masquerade: | assembly of persons wearing masks, and amusing themselves with dancing, conversation, or other diversions; dramatic performance by actors in masks |
mediocre: | moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; commonplace |
meticulous: | excessively careful; marked by extreme care in treatment of details |
mimic: | copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression |
mundane: | belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly; concerned with commonplaces; ordinary |
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