Exam Preparation Techniques (start to finish)


Karteikarten am Exam Preparation Techniques (start to finish), erstellt von Jesiah Mendoza am 21/12/2017.
Jesiah Mendoza
Karteikarten von Jesiah Mendoza, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jesiah Mendoza
Erstellt von Jesiah Mendoza vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
1.Before you pick up a book and try to study Remember to--- *Flip*
2.Make a detailed plan and pursue it *Flip*
3. Don't stress, make a study time table and make it your bible *Flip*
4.Put in the work,this may seem simple but when you start you'll realize it's not *Flip*
6.Give thanks *Flip*
7.Rest well before your exam (preferably 8 hours) *Flip*
8.Nail that exam *Flip*
9.Watch your hard work pay off *Flip*
This is NOT a step but advice if you did not achieve what you wished,for those of you who give up *Flip*
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