Chapter 1 Assessment in Counseling


Graduate Principals & applications of Assessment Karteikarten am Chapter 1 Assessment in Counseling, erstellt von ellacro am 01/06/2013.
Karteikarten von ellacro, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ellacro vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
1940's- MMPI- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory personality instrument.
What counselors need to know? 1. How to evaluate 2. assess 3. interrupt assessments
Three Organizations Set standards for the instruments developed and used- Standards for educational and psychological testing. American Educational Research Association (AERA) American Psychological Association (APA) National Counsel on Measurement in Education (NCME)
Assessment to Counseling is: ( 4 topics) 1. Assessing the Client PROBLEM 2. Conceptualizing the PROBLEM 3. Selecting and implementing effective treatment. 4. Evaluating the counseling.
Assessment is (1. Assessing the Problem) no one size fits all and need to therapeutic process and need to not miss the important issue because could negatively impact client.
Assessment is: (2. Conceptualizing and defining the PROBLEM) need to continually assess the client to ensure there is a clear understanding of the client's need and the problem, need to understand the severity of a problem.
Assessment is: (3. Selecting and implementing effective treatment) counselor may include a formal or informal tool to the process of assessment to help in the treatment.
Assessment is: (4. Evaluating the Counseling) once the treatment is provided the evaluation is needed to assess if the outcome is what was needed or if additional treatment is effective. needed for clinicians to self evaluate treatments as well.
Assessment Therapeutic Strategies: 1-3 1. nurture therapeutic alliance 2. communicate in helpful context the results 3. recognize that defensive concern from client is a natural response
Assessment Therapeutic Strategies 4-5 4. allow client to respond affectively, give good examples of findings. 5.tie the findings with the adaptive functions
Assessment Therapeutic Strategies 6-7 6. provide linking between, assessment, feelings, and education 7. may need to include family in the results.
Counselors need to know about assessment? 1. knowledge of the test and its limitations. 2. accepting responsibility of the competent use of the test.
Counselors should only use tests if? they have skill and knowledge, know the techniques of giving the tool, know the making of, the ability to review, administer, interrupt results, understand the diversity, and be responsible for the assessment and the interpretation of tool, and evaluation.
Assessment tool: Standardized vs. Non standardized Standardized- a fixed instruction for administering and scoring, consistently within the scoring and within professional standards. Non standardized-does not meet any of the above guidelines.
Assessment tools: Individual vs. Group is in the giving of a test, some tools are for each subset, may glean non- verbal assessment from the individual taking the tool easier than a group.
Assessment tools: Objective and Subjective Observes the SCORING of the tool Objective- predetermined method of scoring, control some of bias,and inconsistencies, no judgments from the proctor Subjective- requires the proctor to make professional assumptions.
Assessment tools: Verbal vs. Non-verbal Performance tests- non language based assessments.
Assessment Tools: Speed vs. Power Speed: the number of items completed in a time limit. Power: the difficulty level of items, the more difficult the more credit.
Assessment Tools: Cognitive vs. Affective Cognitive: assess cognition, perceiving, processing, concrete and abstract thinking and remembering. ex: Intelligence testing, aptitude and achievement.. Affective: assess interest, attitude, values, motives, attitudes ..ex: personality tests, projective tests.
What is assessment? A Psychological test (an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior)
Instrument tools to gain information, such as scales, checklists, inventories
History of how and why tests or tools were formed provide a bases for the counselor to be ? informed, competent users of the instruments.
Test an individual instrument used to evaluate ( graded test)
1923- Stanford Achievement test was published. 1939- First Mental Measurements of achievement was published Both still in Use today with revisions
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