Unit 8


Karteikarten am Unit 8, erstellt von Sonam Bhuka am 08/01/2018.
Sonam Bhuka
Karteikarten von Sonam Bhuka, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sonam Bhuka
Erstellt von Sonam Bhuka vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Distribution Means getting the right products to the customer at the right time; is part of the supply chain; includes handling of goods, choosing the distribution channels, etc.
order fulfilment = doing something that is promised: making sure that the customer gets the right product at the right time
prospecting = identifying potential customers (a prospect)
an endorsement is when a celebrity uses a certain product as a way of promoting it
word-of-mouth = personal recommendations
viral marketing = online through social networking sites and friends emailing video clips
guerilla marketing covers all unconventional techniques – from viral marketing to the distribution of free products on the beach
affinity marketing attracting customers on the basis of their other interests, eg linking a credit card to a favorite charity
convenience store Nachbarschaftsladen, Lebensmittelgeschäft: basic goods, open until late, higher prices
department store Warenhaus: aimed at more upmarket customers
billboard a large outdoor sign used for advertising
merchandising the process of selling products connected with a popular film, person or event
a follow-up processing the order quickly and maintaining long-term contact
inbound logistics the process of bringing raw materials, packaging, etc. from suppliers to producers
outbound logistics manages the flow of finished products through intermediaries to the final customer
reverse logistics involves bringing goods back to the premises of the original manufacturers because of defects, for example
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