Russian Revolutions Flash Cards


A Levels History MW (Russia) Karteikarten am Russian Revolutions Flash Cards, erstellt von Fro Ninja am 02/06/2013.
Fro Ninja
Karteikarten von Fro Ninja, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fro Ninja
Erstellt von Fro Ninja vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What reasons allowed the Tsar to stay in power in the February Revolution of 1905? (3 Listed) - Loyal army (Cosacks) helped put down opposition - Installation of the Duma - October Manifesto made new promises about concessions and taxes
What were the failures of the Provisional Government? (4 Listed) - They didn't end involvement in WWI - Working Conditions were still poor - Bolsheviks opposed them - People believed Soviets were more effective
What factors helped the Bolsheviks gain power in the October 1917? ( Listed) - Weapons kept from Kornilov Revolution - Better Promises: April Theses - Failure of the Provisional Goverment - Red Guards and Strong Army Leader
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