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Global Environmental Changes II


Karteikarten am Global Environmental Changes II, erstellt von J yadonknow am 22/01/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor etwa 7 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the different application methods of pesticides? (6) Direct - spray 2' contact - spray crop, touch May have to be ingested, systematic in soil and taken up by roots Repellent Fumigant Lure and Kill
DDT and peregrine falcons Thin egg shells, high residues of DDE (metabolites of DDT).
What are organochlorines? e.g. DDT Broad-spectrum toxins Remain in environment for a long time
What are chlorophenoxy? Herbicides e.g. 2,4-D Resembles auxins Breaks down in soil quickly
What are organophosphates? e.g. Parathion Highly toxic to humans Readily broken down
What is biomagnification? Pesticide ppm increases as you go up trophic levels Occurs when CF>1
How do you calculate the concentration factor? CF=[Pollutant]consumer/[Pollutant] diet
What types of microplastics exist? 1' - direct human manufacture and use 2'-fragments derived from breakdown of larger plastics
What is the current extinction period? Holocene/sixth extinction era
What are the causes of this extinction event? Habitat fragmentation Human over-population
Define biodiversity Variability among living organisms from all sources Diversity within, between species and of ecosystems.
How do you define genetic diversity? Range of genetic variations within a species
How do you define Genetic Variability? Tendency of genetic characteristics to vary
What is species diversity measuring? Richness= number of species evenness= how equal the abundances of species are
Show simpson's diversity index N=Total amount of organisms n=Total from species of interest
What are the different levels of biodiversity? gamma = diversity of whole study, total species density alpha = Diversity of species within each unit of that landscape Beta = Diversity between individuals of the same habitat
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