FTCE: Social Science


Karteikarten am FTCE: Social Science, erstellt von meaganjoy am 07/06/2013.
Karteikarten von meaganjoy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von meaganjoy vor mehr als 11 Jahre

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Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) Authorized by United Nations between Iraq and 34 nations, Operation Desert Storm was name of US land territory. Purpose was to liberate Kuwait
Alexander the Great King of Macedonia, conquered Persian empire, founded Alexandria in Egypt, created massive empire and restored order in Ancient Greece
Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543 First astronomer to put sun at center of universe
Galileo Galilei 1564-1642 Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher responsible for birth of modern science
Isaac Newton English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian known for defining gravity and laws of motion
John Locke British Enlightenment writer who influenced Declaration of Independence, US constitution, believed people had right to life, liberty, and property
Thomas Jefferson 3rd president, one of the founding fathers, author of Declaration of Independence, helped with Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition
Juan Ponce de Leon Named Florida in 1513
What nations settled in Florida? English, Spanish, French
St. Augustine Founded by Spanish., came to serve as capitals of British and Spanish colonies of Florida
How did Britain use Florida? Tried to develop it through importation of immigrants for labor
When did Spain regain control of Florida? After Revolutionary War
When did Florida become a state? In 1845, 27th state in America
Effects of WWII and Great Depression on Florida -Before Depression, Florida was intensely developed -Economy was adversely effected by WWII -Is most populous states in the south
Geography Study of Earth's surface, atmosphere, and people
Elements of Geography Location, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, uses of geography (6)
The World in Spatial Terms -Location: position on Earth's surface and can be relative or absolute. -Reference organization of people and places on Earth.
Places and Regions Physical characteristics of specific places and how they form and change
Physical Systems Processes that change and shape the Earth
Human Systems People or inhabitants
Environment and Society Relationships and interactions that take place between people and their surroundings
Uses of geography Interpreting the past and present along with planning for the future
3D Maps Maps that use contour lines that show the rise and fall of the land
Cartographer Mapmaker
Prime Meridian Vertical, imaginary line that divides Earth into eastern and western halves and runs through Greenwich, England
Compass Rose Indicator of 4 main directions and also NE, NW, SE, SW *Often part of the legend
Continents Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia (7)
Oceans Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic (5)
Relief Maps Show the shape of land's surface; provide detail through use of color and contour lines
Thematic Maps Show specific topics or subjects (ex. animal population, climate, etc.)
Physical Maps Show country borders, major cities, bodies of water, and major landforms
Regions Wide-ranging geographic area, usually contains similar physical features or unifying characteristics
International Date Line Where the date officially changes each day
Demography Branch of science concerned with the well-being of society; stats study of crime rates, educational levels, etc.
Democracy Government by the people
Mayor -Elected official -Leader of local govt -Works with city council
Governor -Elected official -Leader of state govt -Works with Senate and House of Representatives
Legislative Branch -Congress -Comprised of Senate and House of Representatives -Established by Article 1
Judicial Branch -Supreme Court -Determines of laws unconstitutional -Established by Article 3 -Led by president-appointed Supreme Court Justice
Executive Branch -Led by President and Vice-President -Leads country and military -Can veto rulings made by Congress -Established by Article II -Foreign Ambassadors are members
Secretary of State & National Security Council Both advise the president on foreign policy matters
Magna Carta of 1215 In England, is considered the first modern document that sought to limit the powers of the governing body
US District Courts -Trial courts, -Each state has 1+ district courts -Hears all federal cases including civil and criminal -94 judicial districts
US Court of Appeals -One court for each of the 12 regional circuits -Hears appeals from courts within its circuit
Supreme Court -Highest court of appeals in US -Consists of 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices appointed by president -Power is judicial review
State Courts Each state has its own independent system of courts that operates under that state's laws. Hear only minor cases and have limited jurisdiction.
Electoral College -AKA College of Electors -Established by Article II -The system for electing US president and vice president -207 electoral votes to win
Constitution Comprised of preamble, 7 articles, and 27 amendments
Articles 1-4 1) Legislative (9 sections) 2) Executive (4 sections) 3) Judicial (3 sections) 4) The States (4 sections)
Articles 5-7 5) Amendments 6) Supreme Law, Oaths of Office and Debts 7) Approving the Constitution
Bill of Rights Lays the foundation for the civic rights of citizens in this country and limits the power of the federal government
Economics Science that deals with the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services
Economic Principles 1-3 1) People choose 2) People's choice involve costs 3) People respond to incentives in predictable ways
Economic Principles 4-6 4) People create economic systems influence individual choices & incentives 5) People gain when they trade voluntarily 6) People's choices have consequences
Capital Resources Any asset used in the production of goods and services
Free Enterprise Emphasizes private ownership; supply and demand
Monopoly One company or institution having exclusive control of a particular good or service in a market
Fiscal Policy Government spending policies that affect interest rates, tax rates, and government spending; Aid in government control of economy
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Total monetary value of all goods and services produced in a nation during a specific time frame *Formerly gross national product*
Inflation Persistent, general increase in prices over a period of time
Stagflation High rate of inflation accompanied by rising unemployment
Economic Institutions Organizations created to pursue particular endeavors like banking by financial institutions (Bank, credit union, stock market, Federal Reserve banks)
Bank -Depository, financial institution -Mediates financial transactions and provides other financial services like loans
Credit Union -Depository, financial institution -Provides same services as bank but provides lower interest rates and is owned & operated by its members instead of government
Stock Market -Place where stocks and bonds are exchanged, activity is indicator of state of economy -NY Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are biggest
Federal Reserve Banks -Central bank in US for federal banking systems located in each of the 12 districts -Issues bank notes, lends money, sets national monetary policy
Market Economy Operate on the concepts of supply and demand
Graphic Organizers Help to synthesize and summarize informational text
Anticipation Guide (KWL) Can be used as an instructional aid and assessment tool
American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) *aka American War of Independence* Caused by French & Indian War tensions, original 13 colonies wanted self-governing ind. states and they fought the British. ended with signing Treaty of Paris
Declaration of Independence (1776) By Thomas Jefferson, establishes why colonies sought freedom from British. Laid foundation for new govt and severed ties from Great Britain
Industrial Revolution (1830s) Transition from manual labor to use of machines; especially in creating textiles, iron, and stem
Civil War (1861-1865) Between North (Union) and South (Confederacy), 11 states wanted out of union. Ended slavery with Emancipation Proc., restored Union, and strengthened role of federal govt
Westward Expansion (1807-1912) After War of 1812, explorers settled in the west and drove Native Americans off the land and formed the 48 contiguous states
World War 1 Between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Allied and Central Powers, Allied powers won *1914-1918*
Allied Powers AKA Entente Powers Russia, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, Portugal, US
Central Powers German Empire, Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Kingdom of Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
World War 2 (1939-1945) Allies vs. Axis (Allies won) USSR and US emerged as superpowers, led to Cold War (45 years long) and creation of The United Nations to prevent future conflict
Allies AKA Leaders Great Britain, US, Russia, Free France, China
Axis Powers AKA Leaders Germany, Italy, Japan
Korean War (1950-1953) Division of Korea due to WWII, US tried to help. Ended with a peace treaty and Korea remaining divided
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voided Jim Crow laws in southern states and prohibited racial discrimination, ended 100-year quest of African Americans desiring equality
Vietnam War (US involved 1959-1975) Vietnam divided, US helped non-communist south, but congress passed Case-Church Amendment and N. Korea captured S. Korea capital to begin reunified communist Korea
Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Believed Earth round, discovered lots of Western Hemisphere for Spanish English, and French for economic and political development in Central & South America, Bahamas, Cuba, etc.
French and Indian War (1754-1763) Extension of European Seven Years War, over territory by French & English. French not being influence in N. America and led to Revolutionary War due to Native Americans
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