Snakes and ladders - more difficult


Karteikarten am Snakes and ladders - more difficult, erstellt von jl cg am 05/03/2018.
jl cg
Karteikarten von jl cg, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
jl cg
Erstellt von jl cg vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What material are the bricks made of? Clay
High Atmospheric Pressure will result in... Clear blue skies
What might a larva eventually turn into? Adult Insect
What is the role of a decomposer in an ecosystem? To recycle organic waste back into the soil
How do frogs hide their eggs from predators? The eggs are clear.
What did create the Spanish inventor Isaac Peral? A.Trains B.Cars c.SUBMARINES D.Bicycles
What did the Spansih Scientist Isaac de la Cierva create? A. AUTOGYRO/(Helicopter) B. Skateboard C.Cable car D. Plane
How do we know that Saturn was married more than once? Because it has a lot of rings! :-)
Did the Apple iPhone first become available in 2005, 2006 or 2007? 2007
What does mean in WWW in technology? World Wide Web
What is faster than light? A thought.
How many time zones are there in the world? 24
What is diamond made of? Carbon
Which particle has no charge and forms atom's nucleus? A neutron.
How many bones you can find in a giraffe's neck? Seven.
What type of circuit works with electric signal that represent zeros and ones? Digital circuit.
What two measurements are needed to calculate work? Force and distance.
Finish the formula: Pressure = Force divided by .... Area
What is the atmosphere? A layer of gasses that surround the Earth.
What should you do during a thunderstorm? Go inside a building.
What kind of organism comes last in every food chain? Decomposers
The ammount of moisture in the air is... Humidity
Simple machines that use ropes or chains are ... Pulleys
What is the volume of a droplet of water close to? A millilitre
A huge wave that can cause extensive damage along coastal regions. Tzunami wave
Who invented telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
A circular coral reef is... An atoll
Which is the life cycles of a butterfly? Egg, larva, pupa, butterfly
What type of energy does fire have? Thermal
A magnifying glass is what type of lens? Convex
Who is the Parthenon dedicated to? The Goddess Athena.
What did Eratosthenes of Cyrene invent? He invented the discipline of geography, including the terminology used today.
Who created the first map of the world, incorporating parallels and meridians? (based on the available geographic knowledge of his era?) Eratosthenes of Cyrene.
What was Archimedes famous for? He was one of the first to apply maths to physical phenomena, founding hydro statistics and statistics, including an explanation of the lever.
Which is the Pythagoras’s theorem? The square of the length of the side opposite the 90 degrees angle is equal to the squares of each of the other two sides added together.
Which is the closest planet to the Sun? Mercury.
How does Moon help life on Earth? The Moon keeps the planet steady. As a result the seasons are steady. Otherwise the Earth could move backwards and forwards.
How many chemical elements are there? 118
Who is considered to be the Father of Medicine? Hippocrates of Kos.
What is the name of a great mathematician who knew that the Earth was a globe, predicted the eclipses and divided the year in 365 days? Thalis Milisios.
True or false? A parallelogram features three pairs of parallel sides. False
Which form of energy is produced when a rubber band vibrates? Sound
Which type of energy is transferred from one object to another by simple machines? Mechanical
Deniz is taller than Serap but shorter than both Mustafa and Taner. Mustafa is shorter than Taner. Öykü is shorter than Serap. Who is the shortest? Öykü
Which computer peripheral is often times called the "screen"? Monitör
Which computer peripheral uses left clicks and right clicks? A mouse
In laboratory research, when a researcher learn as much about the problem as possible from all available sources, this step is called... gathering of data
Ali has a 9 volt battery that puts out 5 amps. How many watts of power will his battery generate? 45 watts
Batteries do this... Convert chemical energy to electric energy.
If you add a load (lightbulb, motor, etc) to a circuit it usually heats up. This is caused by... Resistance (ohms)
Which is the right part of mathematics that combines the two points of an eclipse? BEAM
Which animal has the world's largest egg? Shark
Which is the Most Neighboring Country? China
Which animal is the only animal that can not jump? An elephant
Which is the largest continent? Asia
What does Alpinism mean? mountaineering
Which bird's head can turn 270 degrees? An owl.
What was the Internet used for the first time? military communication
How many different climate does Turkey have? Mediterranean climate, black sea climate, terrestrial climate
Which mine does Turkey have most? Boron reserves
Who is the Turkish scientist that got the Nobel Prize? Aziz SANCAR
How many squares are there on a chess board? 204
E M L T Z Which letter is different form the others? Letter Z
15.30 hours with a few degrees while the angle between the hands of scorpion? 75 degrees
2 5 11 23 47 93 ? Which number should be used instead of a question mark in the above number sequence? The question mark should be replaced by 189.
You can write four 4 to 45? 44 + (4 :4) = 45
Can you collect eight eights and make 1000? 888+88+8+8+8=1000
Where is the energy that is necessary for the life sustaining events of the cell is supplied? DNA
What colour do the acids turn to on litmus paper? Blue
In Which environment does the light spead rapidly? Air
Which alphabet does Pi belongs to? Greek
In which province does The Nesin Mathematics Village in Turkey? Izmir
What is the machine that is especially programmable by a computer and capable of carriying out a complex series of actions automatically? A robot
How many megabytes is 1 gigabyte equal to? 1024 MB
What will be your ranking when you are ahead of the second athelete in a foot-race? Two
What do we call the event that we found 36 when we choose a number from a bag filled with the prime factors of 36? CERTAIN EVENT
Mary's father has five daughters called Çaça ,Çeçe ,Çiçi and Çoço.So What is the name of the fifth daughter? Mary
Who is responsible for the old saying: EUREKA, EUREKA (meaning :I have found it)? Archimedes.
Who is the father of Geometry? Euclid
Which is the hardest mineral? Diamond
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