Economic Change - Human Geography - Geography GCSE.


A deck of flashcards in order to enlighten everyone about Economic Change. This would be particularly useful for those of you doing Geography GCSE this year.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Primary Industry The primary industry involves the extraction of Raw Materials from the land or sea. A good example of a Primary Industry job would be either a Miner or a Fisherman.
Secondary Industry The Secondary industry involves manufacturing goods by using the products of the Primary Industry. A good example of a Secondary Industry job would be either a Baker or a Builder.
Tertiary Industry The Tertiary Industry involves providing a service, rather than a product, which makes it different to the Primary and Secondary Industries. Tertiary jobs can be very highly paid, or very lowly paid. A good example of a Tertiary job would be either a Cleaner or a Bank Clerk.
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