Bar numbers and Figures - Music Works


Karteikarten von carlacamilleri, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von carlacamilleri vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Gershwin - Tune A Bars Bars 2 - 5
Gershwin - Tune B Figure Figure 1 (four bars)
Gershwin - Tune D figures Figure 9 (four bars)
Gershwin - Tune E Figure Figure D
Gershwin - Tune F Figure Figure 28 (8 bars)
Flutter Tongue 2 bars after figure 9
Which figure is the banjo prominent? Figure 30
Wah Wah mute Figure 2
Prokofiev - Intro Bars 1 - 2
Prokofiev - Theme A bars (Exposition) Bars 3 - 18
Prokofiev - Theme A' Bars (Exposition) Bars 19 - 38
Prokofiev - Theme B Bars (Exposition) Bars 54 - 73
Prokofiev - Codetta Bars (Exposition) Bars 74 - 85
Prokofiev - Theme A (Development) Bars 87 - 94 and Bars 103 - 110
Prokofiev - Theme A' (Development) Bars 95 - 102
Prokofiev - Theme B (Development) Bars 111 - 130
Prokofiev - Codetta (Development) Bars 131 - 141
Recap Bars 143 - 193
Coda 194 - end
Rhythmic Augmentation (Development) Bars 111 - 114
Rhythmic Displacement (Development) Bars 123 - 126
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