Erstellt von rebelyelllz
vor fast 12 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Newton's modification of Kepler's third law | Newton realized that in the planet-sun system the planet does not orbit around a stationary sun. Proposed that both the planet and sun orbited around the common center of mass for the planet-sun system. (m1+m2) p2= (d1+d2)3 = R3 |
Gasses that do not condense | Hydrogen and Helium |
Kepler's Second Law of the undisturbed planetary motion | The line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. |
Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams H-R diagrams | Graphs of stellar luminosity or absolute magnitude against surface temperature or spectral type. Shows that stars do not have random surface temperatures and luminosities; the two factors are correlated. Latitude and Altitude |
Stefan- Boltzmann law | The relationship stating that an object emits energy at a rate proportional to the fourth power of its temperature, in Kelvins. |
Blueshift | A shift of all spectral features toward shorter wavelengths; the Doppler shift of light from an approaching source. |
Redshift | The shifting to longer wavelengths of the light from remote galaxies and quasars; the Doppler shift of light from any receding source. |
Order of Planets | Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune |
Mercury | First planet closest to the sun. 0 moons and 0 rings. |
Venus | Second planet closest to the sun. 0 moons 0 rings. |
Earth | Third planet closest to the sun. 1 moon and 0 rings. |
Mars | Fourth planet closest to the sun. 2 moons, 0 rings. |
Jupiter | Fifth planet closest to the sun. 67 moons, has a ring. |
Saturn | Sixth planet from the sun. 62 moons, has a ring. |
Uranus | Seventh planet from the sun. 27 moons, has a ring. |
Neptune | Eighth planet from the sun. 13 moons, has a ring. |
All planets with rings: | Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune |
Planets without moons: | Mercury, Venus |
Black dwarf | Theoretical celestial object that remains after a white dwarf has used up all of its fuel and cooled off completely to a solid mass of extremely dense, cold carbon. |
Universe | All space along with all the matter and radiation in space. |
Astronomy | Branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. |
Electromagnetic spectrum | The entire array of electromagnetic radiation. |
How the sun will die: | Sun-Like star:Converts hydrogen to helium in its core, generating heat and light. Red Giant: Nuclear fuel depletes, the core contracts and the outer layers expand Planetary Nebula: Outer layers drift off into space, star loses mass to nebula. White Dwarf: Star cools and shrinks. Black Dwarf: Star loses heat to space, turns cold and dark. |
Electromagnetic radiation | Radiation consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields: gamma rays, x-rays, visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, and radio waves. |
Temperature in planets | As you go away from the sun the temperature of the planets will decrease. Venus will not decrease due to the Greenhouse effect. |
What makes a star die? | Death of a star depends on the mass of the star. Gravity makes the sun, gravity makes death to the sun. |
Most energetic radiation to least: *The shorter the frequency the higher the energy, the longer the wavelength the lower the energy. | GAMMA RAYS, X-rays, Ultraviolet radiation, Visible light, Infrared radiation, Microwaves, Radio waves. |
Particle theory of light: | Photon energy: p=h+f |
Celestial Sphere | Hypothetical sphere of very large radius centered on the observer; the apparent sphere of the night sky. |
Zenith | Point of the celestial sphere directly overhead. |
Ecliptic | The annual path of the Sun on the celestial sphere; the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun. |
South celestial pole | The location on the celestial sphere directly above the Earth's south rotation pole. |
Blackbody | A hypothetical perfect radiator that absorbs and reemits all radiation falling upon it. |
Blackbody curve | The curve obtained when the intensity of radiation from a blackbody at a particular temperature is plotted against wavelength. |
Cool Stars | Radiate most energy |
Planck's law | Relationship between the energy of a photon and its wavelength. |
What colors has the shortest and longest wavelengths? | Shortest: Violet Longest: Red |
Luminosity | Total amount of electromagnetic power (energy emitted each second). -The greater the luminosity, the brighter the object. -The smaller a star's magnitude, the greater is luminosity |
Photometry | Measurement of light intensities. |
Stellar spectroscopy | The study of the properties of stars encoded in their spectra. |
Spectral type | A classification of stars according to the appearance of their spectra. |
OBAFGKM sequence *Temp high to low *Blue-violet to orange | "Oh Be A Fine Guy, Kiss Me!" O:Blue-violet, B: Blue-white, A:White, F: Yellow-white, G: Yellow, K: Orange, M: Red-orange |
Refraction phenomenon | The bending of light rays when they pass from one transparent medium to another. |
Convex lens (converging lens) | Converges rays of light that are traveling parallel to its principal axis. They are thick across the middle and thin and lower and upper edges, curved outward. *Convex comes together |
Calculations of the telescope | M= power of magnification Fe= focal length of eyepiece Fo= focal length of objective M= Fo Fe |
Concave lens | Lens such that a parallel beam of light passing through is caused to diverge or spread out. Lens is thinner in the center. *light goes outwards |
Hub bolt space telescope | *Located in space *Photographs the range of the spectrum *Photographs in infrared, visible and ultra violet radiation. *Stars make all kinds of radiation |
Reflection telescope | *Using mirrors instead of glass lens. *Easier to make, just need reflection. *Cheaper |
Earth's internal energy | Comes from the decay of radioisotopes and from gravitational energy released when the Earth was formed. *Used to renew the surface of the Earth and to drive movement of plates in the Lithosphere. |
Earth's external energy | *Comes from the sun. *Most radiation is emitted at short wavelengths, in the visible part of the spectrum. *Maintains balance between energy radiated out and energy radiated in. |
Conduction, *convection, radiation | Conduction: Energy is transferred by direct contact. *Convection: Energy is transferred by the mass motion of the molecules. Radiation: Energy is transferred by electromagnetic radiation. |
Gas giants | Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. |
Ice giants | Uranus and Neptune |
Asteroid belt | A 1.5-AU-wide region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in which most of the asteroids are found. |
Sedna's Orbit | The farthest known body in the solar system in a highly elliptical orbit that ranges from the outer arches of the Kuiper belt and possibly extends inward to the inner Oort cloud. |
Mini planets | *Orbit around the sun ex: Metallic, left over of the permission of the solar system. *Astroids are mini |
Greenhouse effect | The trapping of infrared radiation near a planet's surface by the planet's atmosphere. |
Global Warming | The gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, believed to be due to the greenhouse effect. |
The Galilean moons | Four moons of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in 1610. Galileo observed celestial bodies more distinctly with the adjustments to his telescope. |
Continental drift | Gradual movement of the continents over the surface of the Earth due to plate tectonics. |
Solar radiation | Responsible for Greenhouse effect. *Energy coming from the sun. |
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