
Karteikarten am CONJUGATION OF VERBS: IR, erstellt von kiernanolivia am 14/09/2014.
Karteikarten von kiernanolivia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von kiernanolivia vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Present I go You go S/he/it goes We go You pl go They go Voy Vas Va Vamos Vais Van
Simple future I will go You will go He will go We will go You pl will go They will go Iré Iràs Irà Iremos Iréis Iran
Conditional (Would) I would go You would go He/she would go We would go You pl would go They would go Iría Irías Iría Iríamos Irías Irían
Imperfect indicative (was going/used to) I was going/ used to go You were going/used to go He was going/used to go We were going/ used to go You pl were going/used to go They were going / used to go Iba Ibas Iba Íbamos Ibais Iban
Preterite I went You went He went We went You pl went They went Fui Fuiste Fue Fuimos Fuisteis Fueron
Gerund Going Yendo
Perfect tense I have gone You have gone He has gone We have gone You pl have gone They have gone He ido Has ido Ha ido Hemos ido Habéis ido Han ido
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