Hairstyling #2 SR11


Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question
Karteikarten von pressey_property, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von pressey_property vor etwa 10 Jahre

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If the chin is tilted down while securing a ponytail, the nape area will: a. be tight b. be even c. be smooth d. sag or buckle D. Sag or Buckle
In long hair design, a filler: a. is used to cover pins b. provides support and shape c. provides strength and texture d. fills and empty spot in the design A. Is used to cover pins
The thermal design technique that utilizes a diffuser and the fingers to style the hair is referred to as: a. blast-drying b. scrunch-drying c. freeform styling d. volume air forming B. Scrunch-drying
Shapes within hair design are grouped into the following two main categories: a. angular and round b. squares and triangles c. circles and rectangles d. straight and curvature D. Straight and curvature
Increase-layered/graduated combination forms offer greatest expansion possibilities: a. at the front b. at the perimeter c. at the top of the head d. where the two structures meet D. Where the two structures meet
When designing uniformly layered forms, maximum base volume control in the interior and close-fitted lengths in the exterior can create the illusion of: a. more length b. a solid form c. a graduated form d. an increase-layered form C. A graduated form
The standard procedures used to finish a design are: a. relax, dry mold, backcomb or backbrush, detail b. distribute, dry mold, backcomb, define the form and detail c. relax, mold, backcomb or backbrush, define the form and detail d. relax, dry mold, backcomb or backbrush, define the form and detail D. Relax, dry mold, backcomb or back brush, define the form and detail
Uniform/graduated combination forms show a rounded silhouette: a. overall b. in the interior c. in the exterior d. at the perimeter D. At the perimeter
The standard procedures use to set hair in wet and thermal design are: a. comb, scale, part and apply b. distribute, mold, scale, and apply c. distribute, mold, scale, part and apply d. distribute, mold section, part and apply B. Distribute, mold, scale and apply
Which of the following is not one of the main purposes of hair design services: a. drying the hair b. regular upkeep c. special occasions d. completion of another service received A. Drying the hair
Hairpins are usually used to secure: a. ponytails b. large areas c. heavy areas d. delicate areas D. Delicate areas
Hair preparation requires the proper choice of products, tools, setting techniques and: a. patterns b. detailing c. distribution d. thermal rollers A. Patterns
When designing solid forms, their shapes generally expand most: a. on the sides b. at the crown c. along the perimeter d. above the perimeter form line C. Along the perimeter
Curvature shapes are used to imply movement in either of the following two directions: a. up and down b. straight and curved c. clockwise and counterclockwise d. diagonal forward and diagonal back C. Clockwise and Counterclockwise
Setting for volume oblongs begins: a. at the open end b. at the convex end c. and the concave end d. in the front of the oblong shape D. In the front of the oblong shape
An on-the-scalp overbraid creates a/an: a. visible effect b. projected effect c. crisscross effect d. inverted appearance D. Inverted appearance
Freeform designs include both wet and thermal design compositions that: a. are not predictable b. cannot be duplicated c. do not require a systematic step-by-step process d. cannot be classified with specific geometric forms or design techniques D. Cannot be classified with specific geometric forms or design techniques
Hair design is a temporary change in: a. shape b. volume c. design principle d. form, texture, and direction D. Form, Texture, and direction
Oblongs used within a design create: a. volume b. a distinct part c. wavy movements d. movements of half the hair toward the face C. Wavy movements
The two types of distribution in wet and thermal hair designs are radial and: a. straight b. parallel c. curvature d. from one point of origin B. Parallel
Refer to Hairstyling #2 pg 3 for image questions not able to upload images
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