Cell Cycle I


Karteikarten am Cell Cycle I, erstellt von J yadonknow am 04/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Cell cycle G1,S,G2,M phase
What occurs during M phase (2) 1. Mitosis 2. Cytokinesis
Which phases are interphase (3) G1,G2,S
What occurs in G2 of interphase Chromosomes start to condense
What occurs in Prophase (3) Chromosomes condensed, become visible Centrioles form centrosomes which duplicate Centrosomes begin to move to opposite poles of the cell
What do each centrosome act as? nucleation sites for microtubules that will form the mitotic spindle and an aster
Prometaphase 2) 1) Fragmentation of n. envelope membranes 2)Centrosomes move to complete their migration
What does breakdown of nuclear envelope allow? spindle MT to make contact w/ chromo
Where do the spindle MT affix? to the centromere kinetochore's checkpoint
What is the centromere Area of heterochromatin w/ CEN sequence
What are these MT now referred to as? Kinetochore MT
Metaphase 1) Maximally condensed chromosomes align along metaphase plate
Anaphase A as KC MT shorten, chromosomes pulled centromere first towards the spindle poles
Anaphase B Spindle poles move away from each other as interpolar MT lengthen
Telophase (5) Chromosomes reach pole of cell Decondense Nucleoli develop N. envelope reforms Spindle disassembles
Final Chromosome condensation is carried out by Condensins, a heterodimers that carry out final chromosome condensation
MOA of condensation (2) Loop fastener Orientated gyre
What holds chromosomes together? Cohesins
Sets of MT in spindle (3) Astral MT Kinetochore MT Interpolar MT
Astral MT Bind to PCM, afix spindle
What mediates Astral movement? Dynesin
Kitechore MT components Outer - structural Inner - bind DNA Checkpoint - collar that binds to spindle
Interpolar MT Affix to other MT of the spindle apparatus via protein cross-links
Dynesin mediates Attachment of astral MT to PCM
Kinesin-14 function Tightens spindle
Kinesin-5 Expands spindle
Kinesin-4/-10 Move chromosomes to poles of MT
Role of kinetochores Kinetochores facilitate fastening of DNA to spindle MT as DNA has little <3 for mitotic spindle
Kinetochore layers Checkpoint: Collar - attaches to spindle Outer: Structural Inner: Binds to centromere
What orientates the chromosomes? Kinesis-4/-10
Chromatid separation occurs During anaphase
What separates chromatids and how? Separase removes cohesins
How are chromatids pulled apart? 3) A) shorten the spindle B) Depolymerisation of kinetochore MT C) KC pulled to pole
How is spindle shortened MT tubulin removed from + and - ends
Depolymerisation of KC MT occurs at which end? + end
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