Reproductive systems - Male reproductive system


Karteikarten am Reproductive systems - Male reproductive system , erstellt von J yadonknow am 06/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Sperm pathway through testis Semiferous tubule straight tubule rete testis Efferent ductule head of epididymis body of epididymis tail of epididymis vasa recta Vas deferens
sperm to fertilisation zone ampulla of vasa recta Ejaculatoy duct Mix + seminal vesicle fluid prostatic urethra membranous urethra penile urethra endocervical canal uterine cavity intramural
Spermatogenesis temp. 2/3c lower than body c
what does body and tail give time for 'zoa to develop
seminal vesicle produces seminal fluid fructose for respiration prostaglandins for 'zoa contraction
what does FSH stim? sertoli cells
sertoli cells function nurse developing sperm cells absorb extra cytoplasm from 'zoa
sertoli cell secretions inhibin -| A.P. produce androgen binding protein + spermatogenesis
what do LH stim. leydig cells
what do leydig cells secrete androgens - testosterone DHEA ASD
endocrine diagram ah
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