Basic Musical Terms and Medieval & Renaissance Composers


Made for Rockhurst University course, Introduction to Music.
Karteikarten von badern, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von badern vor etwa 10 Jahre

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Mass central service of the Catholic Church; sacred music
dominant the fifth scale step
range distance between the highest and lowest tones of a melody, an instrument, or a voice
contour the overall shape of a melodic line; ascending, descending, arch, wave
Farmer English madrigal; Fair Phyllis
Ordinary texts that remain the same in every Mass
Proper texts that vary in the Mass from day to day
plainchant AKA Gregorian plainchant or plainsong; consists of a single line melody, monophonic in texture, lacking harmony and counterpoint
genre categories of repertory
conjunct a smooth, connected melody with many leaps
disjunct a disconnected melody with many leaps
scale series of tones in ascending or descending order; diatonic or chromatic
chord simultaneous combination of three or more tones that constitute a single block of harmony
octave interval between tones 7 diatonic pitches apart; the lower note vibrates half as fast as the upper
Perotin French composer at the Notre Dame school; composed organum
monophony single-voiced; no harmonic accompaniment
texture musical fabric; ex. monophony or polyphony
polyphony many-voiced composition; two or more different melodic lines are combined
pizzicato performance direction to pluck a string of a bow instrument with a finger
Divine Office cycle of the daily services of the Roman Catholic Church distinct from the Mass
piano (p) soft
forte (f) loud
a cappella choral music performed without instrumental accompaniment
accelerando getting faster
crescendo growing louder
decrescendo growing softer
consonance concordant or harmonious combination of tones that provides a sense of relaxation and stability in music; notes are right next to each other
dissonance combination of tones that sound discordant and unstable; notes are not next to each other
Minnesinger late medieval German poet-musicians
mezzo piano (mp) moderately soft
mezzo forte (mf) moderately loud
motet polyphonic vocal genre; secular in the Middle Ages and sacred thereafter
melismatic melodic style characterized by by many notes sung to a single text syllable
organum earliest kind of polyphonic music, which developed from the custom of adding voices to plainchant that at first ran parallel to it
orchestra performing group of diverse instruments in various cultures; in Western music, an ensemble of various woodwinds, brass, and percussion instruments
madrigal Renaissance secular music originating from Italy for voices, with or without musical accompaniment, set to a short, lyric love poem
tonic first note of the scale or key; keynote
troubadour Medieval musician-poets in southern France
trouvere Medieval musician-poet in northern France
trobaritz female troubadours, composer-poets in Southern France
syllabic melodic style with one note to each syllable of text
neumatic melodic style with two or four notes set to each syllable
Hildegard of Bingen Middle Age sacred monophonic composer; Alleluia, O virga mediatriax
Machaut chanson composer in France; Puis qu'en oubli
Josquin dez Perez Renaissance motet composer in Italy; Ave Maria...virgo serena
Giovanni da Palestrina Italian polyphonic composer; Pope Marcellus Mass, Gloria
Arcadelt composer of Italian madrigal; Il bianco e dolce cigno
Susato composer of Danserye; composed Three Dances
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