
Karteikarten am TCL3, erstellt von Katherine Linares am 27/04/2018.
Katherine Linares
Karteikarten von Katherine Linares, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katherine Linares
Erstellt von Katherine Linares vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
TRULY (verdaderamente) Definition: (Adverb) Authentically; genuinely. sincerely; honestly. Sentence: I truly believed it.
Fought (luchar) Definition: (Noun) A battle, struggle, or angry disagreement. Sentence: We fought for win the battle.
Marble (Mármol) Definition: (Noun) A crystalline limestone, found in many colors and varieties, that can be cut and polished. Sentence: This sculpture is made with marble.
Overlooks (Pasar por alto) Definition: (Transitive verb) To fail to notice, perceive, or consider. Sentence: They overlooks the accident.
Slavery (Esclavitud) Definition: (Noun) The ownership of one or more persons by another or others. The state or condition of being a slave. Sentence: This country might to be in slavery.
Sold (Vendido) Definition: (Transitive verb) To exchange (something) with another for money. Sentence: My mother sold my bicycle.
Southern (Del sur) Definition: (Adjective) Situated in, directed towards, coming from, or relating to the south. Sentence: They come from southern.
Rely (Confiar) Definition: (Intransitive verb) To trust or depend (usually followed by on or upon). Sentence: I will rely in you
Assassinate (Asesinar) Definition: (Transitive verb) To murder for pay or for ideological reasons. to destroy, abuse, or defame. Sentence: She assassinated him.
Greatest (Grande) Definition: (Adjective) Very large in size or number. Sentence: The monument was greatest.
Leadership (Liderazgo) Definition: (noun) The role performed by a leader. Sentence: Her leadership is really good for us.
Unveiled (Revelado) Definition: (Transitive verb) To make known; disclose. Sentence: The secret has been unveiled.
Bank (Banco) Definition: (Noun) A business concerned with the safeguarding, exchanging, and lending of money. Sentence: We protect our money in the bank.
Budget (Presupuesto) Definition: (Noun) The amount of money available or designated for a certain purpose. Sentence: This budget is for buy our house.
Suggestions (Sugerencias) Definition: (Noun) The act of suggesting or state of being suggested. Sentence: The store has a suggestions book.
Swamp (Pantano) Definition: (Noun) A wet lowland area that is usually covered with water; marsh; bog. Sentence: The crocodiles lives in swamps.
Fight (Lucha) Definition: (Noun) A battle, struggle, or disagreement. Sentence: The fight started at 9:00 p.m.
Spot (Lugar) Definition: (Noun) Place; position, an area or locality. Sentence: That spot that we saw, really is so beautiful.
Bright (Brilllante) Definition: (Adjective) Filled with, reflecting, or emitting much light; shining. Sentence: Her dress was made very bright.
Further out (Más lejos) Definition: (Adverb) At or to a great distance in space or time. Sentence: We went further out than the last time.
Dizzy (Mareado) Definition: (Adjective) Having a sensation of spinning and loss of balance; giddy. Sentence: I was dizzy after getting up the boat.
Clever (Inteligente) Definition: (Adjective) Mentally sharp and adept. Sentence: This girl is really clever, she understood everything they said.
Conceited (Presumido) Definition: (Adjective) Having an exaggerated opinion of oneself; vain. Sentence: He is conceited with his new toy.
Deeply (Profundamente) Definition: (Adjective) Having great space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back; not shallow. Sentence: He is deeply asleep.
Gentlleman (Caballero) Definition: (Noun) A courteous and honorable man. Sentence: He is a gentleman with women.
Thrill (Emoción) Definition: (Transitive verb) To cause to feel a sudden, intense excitement, passion. Sentence: Our thrill is for the concert that comes.
Remains (Restos) Definition: (Plural noun) That which is left when parts have been taken away, destroyed. Sentence: The archaeologists have discovered animal remains.
Corpse (Cadáver) Definition: (Noun) A dead body, especially of a human being. Sentence: His corpse was found destroyed.
Loch (Lago) Definition: (Noun) A lake, or an arm of the sea that is largely surrounded by land. Sentence: The legend of the Loch Ness has been studied.
Murky (Turbio) Definition: (Adjective) Dark or gloomy, obscured with water, smoke,or sediment. Sentence: This street seems murky.
Stirs (Agitar) Definition: (Transitive verb) To agitate or mix (a liquid) by making circular motions with a hand or object Sentence: She stirs the soda, but that can exploite.
Ripples (Ondulaciones) Definition: (Intransitive verb) Of water, to move or flow in small waves or undulations. Sentence: The water has many ripples when you stirs it.
Surface (Superficie) Definition: (Noun) The exterior boundary of something. Sentence: The water surface is soft.
Dwells (Habitar) Definition: (Intransitive verb) To live or stay as a resident; reside. Sentence: This street seems murky.
Shore (Orilla) Definition: (Noun) The land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river. Sentence: I like the shore of the sea.
Beneath (Debajo) Definition: (Adverb) In or to a lower level, place, or state; below. Sentence: We are in the beneath floor.
Sightings (Avistamientos) Definition: (Noun) The act or an instance of seeing. something that one sees. Sentence: The sightings of the bigfoot were fake.
Shipwreck (Naufragio) Definition: (Noun) The destruction or loss of a ship, with rocks or broken up in a storm. Sentence: The Titanic shipwreck was terrible.
Crew (Tripulación) Definition: (Noun) A group of people working together to perform a joint function. Sentence: The crew was scared with the storm.
Huge (Enorme) Definition: (Adjective) Of extremely large weight, size, or extent. Sentence: The building is huge.
Snapped (Roto) Definition: ( Intransitive verb) To break suddenly with a cracking noise. Sentence: I found the photo, but is snapped.
Hoaxes (Fraudes) Definition: (Noun) Something false or inauthentic presented as true. Sentence: All the theories presented were hoaxes.
Whiskers (Bigotes) Definition: (Noun) (usually plural) facial hair growing on the upper lip, cheeks, and chin. Sentence: That mouse has white whiskers.
Claws (Garras) Definition: (Noun) A slender, sharp, usually curved nail on the foot of an animal. Sentence: The claws of this animal are really large.
Antler (Cuerno) Definition: (Noun) One of a pair of solid, bony, often branched horns of the male deer and related animals. Sentence: The antler of the bull hurt him.
Freshwater (Agua dulce) Definition: (Adjective) Of, pertaining to, or living in fresh, unsalted water. Sentence: Many species of fish live in freshwater.
Trunk (Trompa) Definition: (Noun) The prehensile nasal appendage of the elephant; proboscis. Sentence: The thunk of the elephant is large.
Perhaps (Quizás) Definition: (Adverb) Maybe; possibly. Sentence: Perhaps i will be able to see them.
Lie (Mentira) Definition: (Noun) Something intended to deceive or mislead. Sentence: Her lie was discovered.
Claim (Reclamar) Definition: (Transitive verb) To require or call for. Sentence: We are claiming for the test.
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