Nervous Systems VI


Karteikarten am Nervous Systems VI, erstellt von J yadonknow am 09/05/2018.
J yadonknow
Karteikarten von J yadonknow, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Erstellt von J yadonknow vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Skin sensory endings (6) Na Na Me Me Pa Ru Naked ending Hair follicle Merkel disc Meissner's Pacinian corpuscle Ruffini
Naked Pain, 'c
Hair follicle Hair movement
Merkel disc Sustained pressure (slow adaptive)
Meissner's ending Touch - rapid adapting
Pacinian Corpuscle Vibration
Ruffini ending Shear stress
What separates the 1' sensory cortex and motor areas? Central sulcus
What is extrafusal muscle fibre innervated by? alpha motor neuron
What is intrafusal fibre innervated by? gamma motor neuron
What does activation of alpha cause? Extrafusal muscle fibres to shorten
What effect would this have on muscle spindle? Cause the spindle to become slack, and no longer report length of muscle
How do spindle fibres counteract this? Activation of gamma motor neurons causes spindle poles to contract, keeping it active.
What monitors stretch in tendons? Golgi tendon organs
What do joint receptors report? When movement of joint is reach its max ROM
Benefits of somatotopy Helps keep order in sensory systems Makes organisation of synaptic connections more efficient
Proprioception in insects Hair plates Campaniform sensilla
MOA As femur travels upwards, hair plate brushes on coxa
What sort of receptor does this act like? Joint receptor
What are Campaniform sensila? Depressions w/ floor of thin cuticle
What do Campaniform sensilla monitor? Distortion of insect exoskeleton Oscillation in shapes of halteres
Function of halteres Act like gyroscopes during flight When insect turns this creates strain in shafts of halteres which is monitored by Campaniform sensilla
What muscle mass do insects have for escape mechanisms? Muscle receptor organ in abdomen
What organs are used for detection of electric fields? Ampullae of Lorenzini
What types of electric fish exist? 1. High voltage fish to stun prey 2. Weakly electric fish that generate a constant field for navigation and communication
How do birds sense magnetic fields? Theories include: 1. ElectroR 2. Magnetic crystals 3. Magnetic sense linked to vision
Evidence for 3? Only present when birds under full spectrum white light
MOA Magnetic frequencies alter the spin state of high energy electrons generated when photopigments absorb light energy
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