Nursing Implications for surgical risk factors


Nursing SFE Nursing Karteikarten am Nursing Implications for surgical risk factors, erstellt von Em J am 03/06/2018.
Em J
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Em J
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Risks associated with advanced age and general surgical procedures decreased tolerance to anaesthesia & post-op meds, delayed wound healing
Risks associated with obese individuals undergoing general surgical procedures Inc. risk of delayed wound healing, wound dehiscence, infection, pneumonia, atelectasis, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmias & heart failure
Nursing implications of obese individuals undergoing surgery - promote weight loss if time permits. - Post-op monitoring of wound, pulmonary and cardiovascular complications - Encourage coughing, turning, diaphragmatic breathing exercises and early ambulation
Risks associated with malnourished individuals undergoing general surgical procedures May not have sufficient nutrient reserves to allow the body to recover from surgery effectively; risk of organ failure and/or shock. Increased metabolic demands may result in poor wound healing and infection
Nursing implications of malnourished individuals undergoing surgery Discuss treatment with surgeon and dietitian, promote weight-gain by providing well-balanced high energy diet. Administer nutritional supplements and IVF feeding if necessary. Daily weights and kj counts as necessary.
Risks associated with dehydrated/ electrolyte insufficient/imbalanced individuals undergoing general surgical procedures Depending on the severity or type of electrolyte imbalance, cardiac arrhythmia or heart failure may occur. Can also result in liver and renal failure.
Nursing implications of dehydrated/electrolyte insufficient individual undergoing surgery Administration of IVF as ordered. Monitoring weights and fluid balance.
Risks associated with those with renal/liver dysfunction undergoing general surgical procedures Poor toleration of anaesthesia, fluid/electrolyte imbalances, acid-base imbalances, decreased metabolism and excretion of medication, increased risk of haemorrhage & delayed wound healing
Nursing implications for those with liver/renal dysfunction undergoing surgery Monitor for fluid volume overload, intake and output and response to medication. Evaluate closely for drug side effects and evidence of alkalosis or acidosis.
Risks associated with those with cardiovascular disorders undergoing general surgical procedures Increased risk of haemorrhage and shock, hypotension, thrombophlebitis, PE, stroke & fluid volume overload.
Nursing implications for individuals with cardiovascular disorders undergoing surgery. - Diligent monitoring of vital signs, and general condition of the individual. Skin colour assessment, chest pain, lung congestion and assessment for peripheral oedema. Observe for hypoxia, and encourage early ambulation/ leg exercises to decrease the risk of vascular issues.
Risks associated with individuals with respiratory disorders undergoing general surgical procedures One of the most common types of risk associated with surgery. Respiratory depression is more likely to occur in people with COPD as well as bronchitis, atelectasis & pneumonia
Nursing implications for those with respiratory disorders undergoing surgery Close monitoring of respiration, pulse and breath sounds. Encourage coughing and deep breathing exercises. For smokers: encourage cessation or decrease.
Risks associated with diabetic individuals undergoing general surgical procedures Increased risk of fluctuating BGLS which can lead to hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis. Increases the risk for cardiovascular complications, delayed wound healing and infection.
Nursing implications for diabetic individuals undergoing surgery. close monitoring of BGLs , monitor for symptoms of hypo or hyperglycaemia. Administer insulin as charted. Encourage diabetic meals and education
Risks associated with alcoholic individuals undergoing general surgical procedures Increased anaesthesia may be required. Individual may experience alcohol withdrawal. Delayed wound healing and haemorrhage can occur due to liver damage.
Nursing implications for alcoholic individuals undergoing surgery - Monitor for signs of alcohol withdrawal, encourage balanced diet. Monitor for wound complications. Administer supplementary nutrients parenterally as required.
Risks associated with individuals that smoke undergoing general surgical procedures Increased risk of all respiratory complications due to increased mucous secretions and decreased ability to expectorate
Nursing implications for smoker's undergoing surgery Encourage cessation. Monitor closely for respiratory complications. Encourage deep breathing and coughing and increase daily fluids to 2.5 - 3 litres to thin secretions. Nicotine replacement therapy may help individuals to tolerate withdrawal during the postoperative period.
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