Altered Tissue Function - Path tests


Karteikarten am Altered Tissue Function - Path tests, erstellt von Em J am 05/06/2018.
Em J
Karteikarten von Em J, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Em J
Erstellt von Em J vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What do increased levels of lactic acid in the blood indicate? By product of cell damage which means the cells are not getting enough oxygen. Can indicate a metabolic issue or CHF, heart attack, sepsis or respiratory failure.
What do increased levels of LDH in the blood indicate? Indicative of cell injury - specifically the liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles or erythrocytes
What do increased CK (creatine kinase) levels in the blood indicate? CK-BB ^ is indicative of brain tissue damage, CK-MB and CK-MM ^ is indicative of heart tissue damage & CK-MM is indicative of skeletal tissue damage.
What does an increased level of troponins in the blood indicate? MI - that has caused damage to the myocardium
What do raised ASTs or ALTs indicate? Liver damage
What does the AST/ALT ratio signify? the ratio is usually > 1 in alcoholic liver disease, and <1 in non-alcoholic liver disease
What do raised levels of ALP in the blood indicate? Liver or bone disease
What do raised levels of lipase in the blood typically indicate? Raised levels of an enzyme created by the pancreas entering the blood stream typically indicate damage to the pancreas (such as in pancreatitis) however, they can also indicate GIT issues
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