Other tools


GCSE KS4 Design and Technology Karteikarten am Other tools, erstellt von Mike Stokes am 09/06/2018.
Mike Stokes
Karteikarten von Mike Stokes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mike Stokes
Erstellt von Mike Stokes vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Jig saw Used to cut wood and metal
Electric hand drill (corded)
Cordless hand drill
Wood vice
Metal vice / engineers vice
Drill vice
G clamp
F clamp
Sash clamp
Band clamp
Jack / panel saw
Cross pein hammer
Ball pein hammer
Nail punch
Pop rivet and pop rivet gun; used to join metal sheet together.
Orbital sander
Brazing hearth
Soldering iron and stand
Polishing machine
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