Purifying organic products


Karteikarten am Purifying organic products, erstellt von josephw weetch am 09/06/2018.
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Karteikarten von josephw weetch, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von josephw weetch vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Purpose of using separating funnel Separate water from organic liquid
Step 1. Ensure that the tap of the separating funnel is closed.
Step 2. Pour the mixture of liquids into the separating funnel, place a stopper in the top of the funnel and invert to mix contents.
Step 3. Allow the layers to settle.
Step 4. Add some water to see which layer increases in volume - this is the aqueous layer.
Step 5. Place a conical flask under the separating funnel, remove the stopper and open the tap until the whole of the lower layer has left the funnel.
Step 6. Place a second conical flask under the separating funnel to collect the other layer.
Step 7. Label the flasks so you don't mix them up.
What might you get upon preparing a product using acids? Acid impurities
How do you remove the acid impurities? Add aqueous Na2CO3 and shaking the mixture in the separating funnel. Open the tap slowly to release CO2. Discard the aqueous sodium carbonate layer and wash the organic layer with water before separating the layers into separate flasks.
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