X-ray interpretation


Karteikarten am X-ray interpretation, erstellt von Elizabeth Then am 13/06/2018.
Elizabeth Then
Karteikarten von Elizabeth Then, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Erstellt von Elizabeth Then vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
X-ray basics skill of radiographer dictated quality of image
Five radiographic image quality characteristics dictates image quality geometry, artifacts, blur, contract sensitivity, noise
contrast sensitivity determines what tissues and body structures are visible in a radiograph many factors that have affect on contrast sensitivity are: anatomical environment, spectrum, scatter, film
total attenuation gradual loss of intensity through a medium determined by photoelectric and compton interactions decreases with increased photon energy, because energy is dependent on photoelectric effect
x-ray image is formed by different attenuations of x-ray beams within a patient's body. objects with increased attenuation produce shadows
penetration degree to which x-rays have passed through the body
penetration increased penetration through an object decreased contrast, and increased penetration through total body decreases radiation dose to the patient
changing kv principle control of contrast in radiography
the x-ray image is the form of a shadow from the patient's body
what makes an x-ray readbale image artifacts target view bones soft tissue vessels patient factors
chest x-ray- consolidation pathologic process that fills alveoli with fluid, blood, pus, resulting in lobar, diffuse mulitfocal ill-defined opacities
chest -x-ray interstitial involvement of supporting tissue of lung parenchyma, resulting in fine or coarse reticular opacities or small nodules
chest x-ray nodule or mass any space occupying lesion either solitary or multiple
atelectasis collapse of part of the lung, due to decrease in amount of sir in alveoli, resulting in volume loss and increased density
limitations of chest radiography some conditions are not detected on conventional chest x- ray, e.g. small cancers, blood clot such as pulmonary embolism further imaging studies: MRI CT PET US
xray risk/benefit analysis benefits: no radiation remain in patients body, no side effects, inexpensive, fast, useful in emergency risks: slight chance of cancer from excessive exposure, women should inform if they are pregnant
nursing considerations patient protection, staff protection, positioning, optimal image in shortest exposure time
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