Racing Navigation - Navigation


Racing Navigation Karteikarten am Racing Navigation - Navigation, erstellt von Daniel Flanigan am 26/06/2018.
Daniel Flanigan
Karteikarten von Daniel Flanigan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Flanigan
Erstellt von Daniel Flanigan vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the difference between Latitude and Longitude? Latitude is a measure of North/South Location (Horizontal Lines) Longitude is a East/West Location (Vertical Lines)
What is the Latitude of the Northern and Southern most points on the globe? 90° North and South
Where is Longitude 0 located? Greenwich England
What is the distance (NM and Statute Miles) of one degree of Latitude? What is the distance (NM and Statute Miles) of one degree of Longitude? 1 Degree Latitude = 60 NM = ~69 Statute Miles 1 Degree Longitude is Variable Based on North South Location
What is the difference between the great circle route and the rhumb line route? The great circle route is the shortest distance between two points (however the bearing (azimuth) changes on the route. The rhumb line is the route that has the same bearing the entire trip.
When is the difference between Rhumb line and Great Circle Route most pronounced. The difference is most pronounced at high latitudes, on E/W and W/E trips, and over great distances.
What is the approximate Latitude and Longitude of HI, USA 21° N,157° W
What is the approximate Lat/Long of San Francisco, USA 37° N, 122° W
What is the approximate Lat/Long of Sydney, AUS 34° S, 151°E
What is the approximate Lat/Long of the Solent, ENG 50° N, 1°W
What is the approximate Lat/Long of the Newport RI, USA 41°N, 71°W
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