The Age of Great Empires ( Macedonian Conquest and Hellenistic Empire/The Rise and Decline of Roman Power in the Mediterranean World)


College World History before 1600: The Development of Early Civilization (Chapter 4 The Age of Great Empires) Karteikarten am The Age of Great Empires ( Macedonian Conquest and Hellenistic Empire/The Rise and Decline of Roman Power in the Mediterranean World), erstellt von Jazz Preston am 16/10/2014.
Jazz Preston
Karteikarten von Jazz Preston, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jazz Preston
Erstellt von Jazz Preston vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
When did Alexander the Great reign? 336-325 BC
Who taught Alexander the Great? Aristotle
In 336 BC why did Alexander the Great destroy Athens? Thebes revolted
Where was Alexander the Great proclaimed King? Egypt
What city was founded by Alexander the Great? Alexandria
Who did Alexander the Great believe was his true father? Zues
Where did Alexander the Great beat Darius? Guagamela
Alexander the Great burned royal palaces and temples here. Persepolis
Alexander the Great suffered tremendous loss traveling through here Gedrosian Region
Married this Sogdian Princess Roxane
What year did Alexander the Great die? And of what did he die from? 323 BC. Malaria.
What happened to Alexander the IV and Roxane after Alexander the Great died? they were murdered
What happened to the Kingdom after the death of Alexander the Great? was broken into three smaller kingdoms
What are the 3 Hellenistic kingdoms? #1. Macedon and Greece #2. Seleuid Empire #3. Ptolemaic Kingdom
This city was the principle port in the eastern Mediterranean and became the 2nd most important city in the ancient world. Alexandria
seized massive boot here Babylon, Susa, and Persespolis
Defeated Porus here in 326 BC Hydaspes River
Who conquered the whole Persian Empire? Alexander the Great
This oracle was used by Alexander the Great that held a message he never got to disclose Ammon
Worked on geometric spheres and cones; established value of pi; also well known for his weapons; inventor/mathematician Archimedes
Battle where Athenians and Thebans confronted the Macedonians in 338 BC Chaeronea
Battle ended the city-state as the primary Greek political unit into large empires absorbed the Greek states until new political structures The Battle of Chearonea
Formulated the earth-centered theory that was superseded by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton in the 16th and 17th century Claudius Ptolemy
Ruler of Persian Empire who was beaten by Alexander the Great at Gaugamela in 331 Darius
Athenian Statesman who gave a series of speeches entitled Philippics that claimed Philip was addicted to power Demosthenes
accurately calculated the circumference of the earth Eratosthenes
textbook that explained the principles of geometry and lasted for 2000 years Elements
Wrote Elements Euclid
First battle against Alexander vs Persia; happened in 334 BC Granicus River
One of the many cults from Egypt that offered an escape, promised mortality, and it also paved the way for Christianity Isis
Athenian Orator who urged Philip II to fight against Persia Isocrates
Battled against Alexander and King Darius III in 333; Alexander won Battle of Issus
Underdeveloped portion of Greece that had valuable natural resources and huge manpower reserves; Philip and Alexander the Great acquired it in their reigns Macedonian
Perfected the New Comedy Menander
plays that included private family squabbles; influenced Roman Stage New Comedy
sharp witted satirical refrence to current events and public policy Aristophonic Old Comedy
Cult from Persia mush like Isis Mithras
Philip was able to fund army by seizing gold and silver from mines in this mountain Mount Pangaes
royal capital where Alexander the Great was born; Philip encourage intellectuals to come here to help mainstream the Macedon into Greek cultural Pella
Increased army size; diversified army; introduced new thrust spear, better siege machinery, and more effective infantry; defeated Balkan neighbors; unified and modernized Greece Philip the II
Who killed Philip the II? He was killed by his body guard
Which Hellenistic Empire contained the great library of Alexandria and the "think tanks" that was known as museums Ptolemaic Kingdom
Oasis that Alexander the Great consulted Siwah
What were the three beliefs that the Stoics believed in? #1. goodness is based on knowledge #2. truly wise person lives in harmony with nature #3. only good is harmony with nature
What did the Stoicism emphasis? outwardly directed concepts such as duty and civic responsibility
Stoic Philosophy Masterpiece written by Marcus Aurelius Meditations
Key Persian naval base Tyre
taught in Athens at the Stoa Poikile; he founded stoic philosophy Zeno of Citium
belief that is based on this quote: "Eat, drink, and make merry, for tomorrow you die and will not be held accountable" Epicurous
Roman poet that was considered the most eloquent member of the Epicurus belief Lucretius
Marked the beginning of a distinguished history of Roman Law 12 tables
pleased the masses in Rome by his major building programs and gifts of money Trajan
tirelessly traveled throughout the provinces of the empire; personally attending to military security along borders Hadrian
Satirist who trained the powerful weapon of his biting criticism on its social and moral degreneration Juvenal
major power in the western Mediterranean that was originally founded as a Phoenician colony Carthage
major power in the western Mediterranean that was originally founded as a Phoenician colony Carthage
one of the men who cooperated for a time to subvert the Republic System in favor of their own personal goals; military glory died on the plains of Mesopotamia; head was displayed as a trophy for the Parthians Crassus
wrote a massive history of Rome called The History Livy
psychopath who committed incest and murdered close family members like his mother. Nero
followed the governmental policies of Diocletian, ruling autocratically and consulting only a few trusted appointees; prepared the way for the empire's split by founding a new imperial capital, Costantinople Constantine
was forced by Caesar to withdraw to Greece; was later on defeated by him at Pharsalus; he then escaped to Alexandria where he was stabbed to death Pompey
wrote the best and most extensive narrative of the period from 14 to 96 CE tacitus
create the Masterpiece of world literature that is entitled Aeneid (hero Aneas after the fall of Troy) Vergil
"dagger-men" eventually caused Rome to take decisive action; political resistance group Sicarii
mastered Greek and Hebrew and produced a translation into Latin of the whole Bible known as the Vulgate Jerome
the failure of their revolt and the loss of their temple as a central religious and political focus caused Jews to be scattered around the eastern Mediterranean and even farther afield in a dispersal known as diaspora
aristocrat or nobleman patricians
commoner plebians
he considered one of the most important figures in the Apostolic Age; funded many churches in Asia Minor and Europe Paul
ancient Greek lyrical poet Pindar
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