

Karteikarten am Idiom, erstellt von Huyen Pham am 30/08/2018.
Huyen Pham
Karteikarten von Huyen Pham, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Huyen Pham
Erstellt von Huyen Pham vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
to take with a pinch of salt to not believe smt completely because it might not be true
out of the frying pan in to the fire to go from a bad situation into an even worse one
to cost an arm and a leg to be very expensive
to see eye to eye to agree with or to have the same opinions as s.o else
to get cold feet to not do smt you have planned to do because you are nervous or are to frightened
a bird's eye view to see clearly from a high place
to let the cat out of the bag to let a secret be known, especially by mistake
straight from the horse's mouth hear information directly from the person responsible for it
don't judge a book by it cover don't make a decision about s.o or smt based on their appearance
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