

Cambridge IGCSE History (Germany) Karteikarten am 1918-1939, erstellt von Konrad O'Neill am 17/07/2013.
Konrad O'Neill
Karteikarten von Konrad O'Neill, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Konrad O'Neill
Erstellt von Konrad O'Neill vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Dolschstoss politicians are 'stabbing Germany in the back' according to citizens
Novemeber Criminal This was the nickname given to the politicians who were part of the DOLSCHSTOSS
The Weimar Republic - first election held in late 1918 ending up in coalition government -new constitution drawn up in 8/1919 - Ebert elected 1st prime minister - first democracy in Germany and had many weaknesses
Article 41 Reich president elected every 7 years and chosen by electorate. He selects chancellors , controls arms and can call elections
Article 48 The president can take necessary measures to keep Germany safe. He could potentially rule Germany by decree without parliament
The TofV had many effects on Germany and the harshest term of this treat was article 251 which stated that Germany would have to take the responsibility of starting the war. They: -lost colonies -lost territories -Danzig (Gdansk) free city -no union with Austria -6million German citizen absorbed into neighbouring countries -Rhineland demilitarised -restriction of army,navy, air force and weaponary -Reparations of £6.6billion -Cattle+sheep given to France & Belgium -ships over 1600 tonnes given up -germany to rebuild merchant ships which had been sunk by U-Boats
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