

Karteikarten am Untitled, erstellt von sarahmqw am 20/07/2013.
Karteikarten von sarahmqw, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sarahmqw vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Like the Nephites preparing themselves physically and spiritually to meet Giddianhi's robbers, what in our lives really helps us overcome fear? Faith
Some of the Sermon on the Mount was directed to a general congregation telling them to give special heed to whom? The Apostles
The Joseph Smith translation in Matthew 7:1 helps us further understand about judging. What does it say? We should judge righteous judgment.
Which of the following was not a teaching that was directed to the saints generally? Take neither purse nor scrip. & Take no thought for temporal needs.
President Marion G. Romney explained what conversion is. Which of the following is not one of the definitions of true conversion? It is merely mental acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and redeemer.
When Christ resurrected, the old law was done away with. What was that old law? The Law of Moses
Which of the following are words that describe the virtues of being meek and humble? Boldly denouncing evil; Courageously meeting every problem; Bravely advancing righteous works; Nearly oblivious to personal credit; Becoming the master of himself/herself
Jacob, in the Old Testament, had twelve sons. One of them would have a posterity that would eventually inhabit the Americas. Who's posterity has been promised the Americas as their inheritance? Joseph
The only way I go bad is through contamination. I give flavor and I represent someone, that to the Lord, exhibits the quality that one would be described as - a pleasing taste. You are commanded to be like me. Salt
Jesus taught the Golden Rule. What is the Golden Rule? All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.
Someone that exhibits the qualities of fair and truthfulness in their speech, straightforwardness in their dealings, being free of deceit or fraudulent action is described as being: Being honest; Being pure in heart
How many times did it take for the people to understand the voice from heaven as Christ was introduced - just before his appearance to the Nephite people? Three times
This is the animal to which the Lord compares himself when he said he would have protected the people if they would have come unto him - but they would not. A hen
In the Bible Dictionary, it explains that the Beatitudes in their arrangement are arranged a certain way. They are... Interrelated and progressive
When the Lord visited the Nephites, he gave them the same sermon that is called the Sermon the Mount in the New Testament. It is the Lord's blueprint for what? Perfection
The adversary has a better chance to persuade us that our beliefs are foolish if he can get us to worry about which of the following? Whether or not we look foolish in front of our fellowmen.
What is the evidence that someone really hungers and thirsts after righteousness? (President Hinckley was a great example.) Pleading to the Lord for help & Getting on our feet and going to work.
One of the beatitudes is when one of the things that make us blessed is having godly sorrow for our sins. Blessed are they that .... ? Mourn
True or False: The Twelve that were chosen by the Lord to be His disciples were disciples only and not Apostles. False
The Lord permitted all of the people of Bountiful to 1 by 1 touch the prints in his hands and feet. How many were there that got this privilege? 2,500
What defines our spiritual separation into groups? What defines us spiritually as to who we really are? Our personal choices
When a society lives like the people did who belonged to the church of Christ in 4 Nephi, we call that society what? Zion
According the Gordon B. Hinckley, the Church belongs to whom? Jesus Christ
Following Christ's visit, Zion was established. Which of the following were conditions that existed among the people? No contentions and disputations; Just dealings among everyone
In 4 Nephi, it tells us that the people had all things in common. This is another way of saying they were living what law? The law of consecration
The Lord quotes scriptures that appear in the book of Malachi that speaks of an ancient prophet that must return before the Second Coming. Who is this prophet? Elijah
True or False: The people became exceedingly rich because of their prosperity in Christ. True
What cause there to be a division with the Nephite people in 4th Nephi? Contentions within the church; pride
Beings that are changed and do not feel physical pain or do not undergo physical death until the resurrection are .... ? Translated
People temporarily changed to endure a heavenly state are .... ? Transfigured
The reuniting of the spirit and body never to be separated again are .... ? Resurrected
In 4th Nephi, once there had been a division in the church, what did the dissenters call themselves? Lamanites
During the time of Mormon, the people became wicked enough that the Lord did which of the following? He commanded Mormon to stop preaching to the people; He permitted the destruction of the entire Nephite population; He took away the three Nephite disciples
What is the antidote that Mormon offers for our wickedness, our spiritual pollutions, and our hypocrisies? Coming unto Jesus Christ and having faith in him; Repenting of our sins; Being baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost
Which of the following lists most accurately describes the traits of the man Mormon? Called young to the ministry, a large and powerful man, educated, a military man
Which of the following is not part of Zion? Envying; Strifes
Jesus Christ's Church must be called ...., and if it be the church of a man, it must be called .... . The Church of Jesus Christ; After the name of that man
Malachi uses powerful symbolism in talking about the Second Coming. Which of the following is a symbol used to represent what it will be like when the Savior comes? A refiner's fire; Fuller's soap
In 4th Nephi, the people built a Zion community. There are two times in our earth's history that Zion is successfully built and maintained. What are those two times? The City of Enoch; When the New Jerusalem will be built
True or False: In 4th Nephi, as there began to be Lamanites, parents actually began to teach their children not to believe. True
At the end, which of the following was not one of the things that the Nephites were involved in? Repentance
When the Lord suddenly comes, where will He come to? To the temple
Moroni writes of miracles and angels. His message about miracles and angels is what? They haven't ceased to exist
What language did Mormon and Moroni write upon the plates? Reformed Egyptian
Where did Moroni get the plates of Ether? From the people of Limhi
What was the name of the brother of Jared? Mahonri Moriancumer
What language did the Jaredites speak? Adamic
The Lord chastised the brother of Jared for three hours. What was the Lord upset about? The brother of Jared forgot to pray.
Who else had a shining stone and a ship that might have been the inspiration for the brother of Jared? Noah
Why is it so hard to root out secret combinations? They quickly recruit and you don't know who's evil or righteous
One of the great chapters on faith in all of the scriptures is located in what chapter of Ether? Chapter 12
The world calls this our conscience. We know that it is really called what? The Holy Ghost
What is charity? The pure love of Christ
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