Cognitive modelling


Karteikarten am Cognitive modelling, erstellt von August Edström am 29/10/2018.
August Edström
Karteikarten von August Edström, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
August Edström
Erstellt von August Edström vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are benefits & disadvantages of using models? Pros: Formal specification of a theory(working code), gives something concrete to discuss about(code), make predictions, understanding by building Cons:
What are the benefits of models for industry/practice? Usability test, trying out models "in the wild" Have human-like experiences Make apropriate decisions due to understanding of user
What is a unified theory of cognition? Develop one theory that can describe (almost) all facets of human behaviuos. Describe interactions between theories of different domains/situations/components
What is difference between cognitive model and cognitive architecture? The architecture sets the framework of that has a funtion and a structure. Within this framework it is then possible to model a specific task or process
What is relationship of cognitive models and architectures with strong/weak AI, Turing machine, over & under constrained theory Turing machine and strong AI are theories that have architectures that surpass human cognition. In order to build models that do tasks in a "human way" it is needed to constrain the underlyting theorys. Under constrained leads to a more powerful architecture. Over constrained leads to weaker.
What are different levels of abstraction, their characteristics, benefits, disadvantages (Newell and Marr perspective) Newell: Abstraction different time spans. From ms to months and years. Marr: Abstraction in terms of different aspects of behavior.
Describe each of Marr’s 3 levels(C&P) Computational: why do we do what we do? Algorithmic: how is a computational theory implemented?(detailed algorithms) Implementation: what is the physical implementation?(neuoscience, where in the brain a process occurs)
What was Marr’s criticism of cognitive systems that were not rooted in CL?(C&P) That the goal of those systems would be mimicry and not understanding.
What are limitations of CL?(C&P) CL explations does not take into account the mechanism and process that it demands. Therefore, the theories CL makes have limited predictive utility. Also cant measure response time when conducting a experiment
What are limitations of IL?(C&P) Hard to understand higher cognitive processes at the neural level. Given action at neural level it is difficult to "reverse inference" back a related cognitive-level process
What is the value of tying the CL or IL to the ARL?(C&P) To degrade the optimal solution to a suboptimal which corresponds more to a human-like performance
What is the value of specifying a model in a cognitive architecture(C&P) The architecture gives a cognitive system with interacting functional components. A mordel in this architechture can therefore make use of all three levels
Describe each of Newell’s 4 bands. How do they relate to time units and systems? Biological(ms) - basic cognition, muscle movements Cognitive(s) - dial number, say sentence Rational(min) - Drive to store, find gas station Social(days,months) - Keep in touch with friends and family
What is the decomposition thesis? Claims that learning occurring at the social band can be reduced to learning occurring at lower bands
What is the relevance thesis? Claims that instructional outcomes at the social band can be improved by paying attention to cognition at lower bands
What is the modeling thesis? It says that cognitive modeling provides a basis for bridging between events on the small scale and desired outcomes on the large scale
Why is the “unit-task” level useful for each thesis? It is useful for assessing the theses
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