Ch. 8 Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells


Karteikarten am Ch. 8 Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells , erstellt von minadubois17 am 10/11/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Cell Cycle event's of a typical cell's life -includes cell division -most is interphase
Interphase = 80-90% of cell's life
Sub-Phases G, -gap phase 1-cell growth and differentiation
Growth -cell metabolism
Differentiation -cell becoming specialized-longest phase
S phase -synthesis-replication of DNA
G2 -more cell growth -replicate organelle's -then cell's enter mitosis
Go -during G, -non-dividing phase
Chromosome -a strand of DNA that has a certain number of genes on it
Gene -instruction to make a protein
Diploid -two sets of chromosomes-2n=46
Centromere -holds replicated strands of DNA together
Sister-chromatids -replicated chromosomes still held together
Karotype -picture of chromosomes
Mitosis -cell division of body cells -1-2n cell-->2-2n cells 2n=diploid =46 for humans n=23-haploid
Mitosis 1. Prophase -chromosomes condense -nucleus starts to dissolve -centrioles produce spindle fibers -centrioles migrate to each pole -spindle fibers attach to both sides of the centromere, one for each sister chromatid
2. Metaphase -all chromosomes line up along the equator of cell called metaphase plate -centromere divides, separating sister chromatids
3. Anaphase -sister chromatids, which are now individual strands, get pulled toward opposite poles -cell elongates in the middle
4. Telophase -cell pinches in the middle -2 new nuclei form -chromosomes stretch out
Cytokinesis -Final cell division forming 2 new daughter cells -identical to parent cell
Plant Mitosis -stages & events are the same -plants start to form new wall during late Anaphase
Meiosis -production of reproductive cells -only occurs in reproductive organs
Gamete - a reproductive cell -n=haploid -genetically different
Meiosis 1 1. Prophase 1 -chromosomes condense -nucleus dissolves -spindle fiber forms -homologus chromosomes link up in synapsis -crossing over may occur as homologus pull apart in late prophase
Homologous chromosome -the same # chromosomes of a pair -same size, same genes, not identical -spindle fibers only attach to one side of centromere
Crossing Over -homologous chromosomes as they pull apart may switch parts of their chromosomes -normal common event that increases genetic diversity
Anuploidy -incorrect amount of chromosomes formed from a crossing over event that did not occur correctly -partial-additions or deleting -complete chromosomes-trisomy or monosomy
Trisomy ex. chromosomes alot bigger, most severe-->13, 18, 21<--less severe
2. Metaphase 1 -chromosomes line up double line along metaphase plate -chromosomes line up randomly called random assortment -increases genetic diversity 23!
3. Anaphase 1 -cell stretches in the middle -spindle fibers contract pulling replicated copies of chromosomes to the poles
4. Telophase 1 -cell pinches in the middle -nuclei do not completely form
Cytokinesis 1 -cell split -Interphase does not occur!
Meiosis 2 1. Prophase 2 -chromosomes re-condense -spindle fibers form and attach to both sides of centromere -centrioles vibrate to poles
2. Metaphase 2 -all chromosomes line up single file along metaphase plate -centromeres divide, separating the sister chromatids
3. Anaphase 2 -cells stretch in the middle -spindle fibers contract, pulling individual strands towards the poles
4. Telophase 2 -cells pinch in the middle -nuclei form -chromosomes relax
Cytokenesis 2 -cells finally divide into genetically different haploid cells
Spermatogenesis -sperm formation -process starts at puberty -produce millions per day -process may never end with age -for every 4 haploid cells produced, they become 4 sperm cells -lose volume, gain flagella
Oogenesis -egg formation -process starts during fetal development -process freezes, then resumes during puberty -process stops at meopause -produce in low-thousands one reaches maturity per menstural cycle -for every 4 haploid cells produced, one egg cell is produced
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