Unit 8: Organisations and products


Types of organisation
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the BBC's role? 'Serve the public'
What is the BBC's remit? Inform, Educate and Entertain
How do private broadcasters make money? Advertising revenue Sponsorship Reality TV – e.g. viewer calls Sale of programmes/productions Merchandise
Public Sector Broadcasters BBC ITV Channel 4
Private Sector Broadcasters ITV Sky Virgin
Regulatory bodies OFCOM BBFC ASA IPSO PEGI
Which organisation regulates TV & Radio?
Which organisation regulates the press? Independent Press Standards Organisation
Which organisation regulates advertising? (Advertising Standards Authority)
What are the three sizes of company? Local National Multinational
Cross-media production The different products and services within the creative media sector that a company produces
Parent company A company which controls other companies
Subsidiary company A company that is controlled by other companies
Conglomerate A large corporation made up of different companies e.g. News Corp
Horizontal Intergration When organisations own more than one company across a media sector e.g the BBC
Vertical integration When organisations own companies throughout the different stages of the production process
Co-operative A business which is owned and run by its members, whether they are customers, employees or residents.
Mainstream products Products and services which are readily available to and appealing to the general public, as opposed to being of interest only to a very specific subset of the public
Independent products provide alternative to mainstream media products
Niche products A product or service that appeals to a particular market subgroup
Output Media products
What is the BBC Trust? It is the governing body of the BBC and makes sure the BBC fulfils its remit of 'Inform, Educate and Entertain'
What is the role of the BBFC? It is responsible for classification and censorship of films in the UK
Which organisation gives age ratings to video games?
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