89. Exploration Examples


Karteikarten am 89. Exploration Examples , erstellt von Elizabeth Poulin am 21/01/2019.
Elizabeth Poulin
Karteikarten von Elizabeth Poulin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Poulin
Erstellt von Elizabeth Poulin vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Starting at the first item in the first menu and working your way through all the choices of a new gadget to find the solution you need. Systematic Exploration
Randomly trying out actions in a new program to see if one is the action you're looking for. Trial and Error Exploration
You want to repeat a song so you touch an icon you think should repeat the song, but it doesn’t work. Then you choose the song again and hit the same icon even though it didn’t work the first time. Rigid Exploration
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