
Karteikarten am Ohne Titel, erstellt von Heidi Barber am 18/11/2014.
Heidi  Barber
Karteikarten von Heidi Barber, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Heidi  Barber
Erstellt von Heidi Barber vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Comedy+Romance = Romance/Comedy (Romcom) A example of a hybrid is when you combine comedy and romance to make a RomCom. Bridget Jones Diary is a example of this and its hybrid is romance, comedy and brittish.
Drama+Action = Drama/Action (Disaster) When you combine Drama and Action the sub-genre is a disaster movie. A example of this is Sweeny Todd. The Hybrid is Drama, Action and Natural Disaster.
Horror+Comedy = Comedy Horror When you combine the genres horror and comedy you receive a new sub genre which is comedy horror. A example of this is Shawn of the Dead the hybrid is Comedy,Horror,Zombie and parody.
Family+Romance = Family Romance When you combine the genres family and romance you receive the new sub-genre family/romance. A example of this is Avatar the hybrid of this is family, romance, sci-fi and thriller.
Action + Kung Fu = Action Kung Fu when you combine these two genres you get the sub genre action/kung fu a example of this is kill bill. The Hybrid of this is action, kung fu, thriller and western.
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