Woody, Alternate, Simple; Families S-U


Vegetative characters for woody, alternate, simple families S-U. Read through slides for their importance to wildlife.
Wes Smalley
Karteikarten von Wes Smalley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Wes Smalley
Erstellt von Wes Smalley vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Salicaceae (Willows) Trees/Shrubs, sometimes clonal Unisexual flowers in N. America, but can be bisexual Capsule Fruit (Populus, Salix)
Vitaceae (Grapes) Vines, sometimes shrubs, usually w/tendrils Leaves alt, simple or compound w/stipules Berry fruit (Vitis)
Ulmaceae (Elms) Trees/shrubs Leaves alt, simple, 2xSerrate, oblique Flowers uni/bisexual, abort parts to become unisexual Fruits nutlets, samaras, or drupes (Celtis)
Populus (Aspen and Poplars) Trees/Shrubs, Often Clonal. Smooth green-gray or dark furrowed bark. Alt, simple, toothed, w/flat petioles Flowers unisexual catkins. Fruits cottony capsules.
Salix (Willows) Shrubs, s/t trees w/ spreading, branched roots. Winter buds w/1 scale, V leaf scar. Leaves Alt, simple, lanceolate. Flowers unisexual erect catkins. Fruits conical capsules.
Vitis (Grapes) Vines w/tendrils, s/t shrubs. Exfoliating bark. Leaves Alt, Simple, Palmately lobed. most Flowers functionally Unisexual. Golden Brown to blue/purple berries.
Celtis (Hackberries) Trees w/ slender, spreading branches. Bark gray, smooth, fissured or warty. Leaves simple, alt, plinerved, toothed, oblique Functionally Unisexual Flowers Fruits fleshy, 1-seeded Drupes
What are tent caterpillars? What family/genus do they affect? Why is this important to wildlife? Lepidopterans that spin silk tents in tree crotches. Especially Prunus in Rosaceae. They're food for birds and host spp. for parasites.
What's the relationship between nectar and pollination vector? Nectar is present if the plant is insect pollinated.
What genus in Salicaceae is mostly Shrubs? Salix (Willows)
What's a trophic cascade? Trophic cascades describe the impact of animals more than one trophic level higher on those that aren't directly preyed on by them. Wolves eat elk, water plants return and bring back songbirds, reinforce shorelines, etc.
Name a few genera whose fruits persist into winter as a food source. Rhus (Sumac), Rosa (Rose), Gaultheria (Heath/Wintergreen), Ilex (Holly), Crataegus (Hawthorn).
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