

Karteikarten am Hominins, erstellt von georgia neale am 26/03/2019.
georgia neale
Karteikarten von georgia neale, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
georgia neale
Erstellt von georgia neale vor fast 6 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Toomai Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Sahelanthropus tchadensis origin? West Central Africa, fossils found in Chad
Sahelanthropus tchadensis age? 6-7 million years ago
Sahelanthropus tchadensis features? small brain bipedal - nearly complete cranium fossil - the position of the foramen magnum is located under the skull small and blunt canines large browridge
Lucy Australopithecus afarensis, Gracile Australopiths
Australopithecus afarensis origin? Eastern Africa
Australopithecus afarensis age? 3.8 - 2.9 million years ago
Australopithecus afarensis features? ape-like proportions in arms, fingers and canines bipdeal - arched feet, nonopposable big toe, walked with gait knee fossil - like modern humans small brain - apelike powerful chewing capacities
Handyman Homo habilis
Homo habilis origin? Eastern and Southern Africa
Homo habilis age? 2.4 - 1.4 million years ago
Homo habilis features? tools meat brain nose
Rob Paranthropus robustus, Robustus Australopiths
Paranthropus robustus origin? South Africa
Paranthropus robustus age? 1.8 - 1.2 million years ago
Paranthropus robustus features? Bipedal males tall, females short ridge Teeth - hard foods like nuts/seeds, diets overlapped with Graciles face
OT Orrorin tugenensis
Orrorin tugenensis age? 6 million years ago
Orrorin tugenensis origin? Tugen Hills, Africa
Orrorin tugenensis features? 12 fossils - thick femur fossil is more humanlike - bipedal canines and incisos - chimpanzeelike thick molars - humanlike arm and finger bones - chimpanzeelike for climbing
Ardi Ardipithecus ramidus
Ardipithecus ramidus age? 4.4 million years ago
Ardipithecus ramidus origin? fossils - parts of teeth and jaws, lower skull, upper arms Poor condition fossils - crumbled Ardi - female, short limbs - suggested not suspensory locomotion Skull on top of spine - upright posture Pelvis - suggests upright gait
Taung child Australopithecus africanus, Gracile Australopith
Australopithecus africanus age? 3 - 2..2 million years go
Australopithecus africanus origin? Southern Africa
Australopithecus africanus features? males tall, females short very similar to A. afarensis/ Lucy Large molars, large jaw Buttressed face - hard shelled food consumption
Lake Turkana Homo ergaster
Homo ergaster age? 1.8 mya
Homo ergaster origin? Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa Lake Turkana - co-existed for 500,000 years with Homo habilis
Homo ergaster features? Larger brain - 800cc Small jaws Tall Less prognathic face Horizontal ridge at back of skull - pointed appearance from side Large browridge Canines - biting and tearing Long limbs - long distance running Thoracic region - small - no language
Homo ergaster and tools? Acheulean tools - 1.6- 1.4 mya biface tool - flakes to make sharp Hand axe - Mode 2 technology More sophisticated For animals - eating of meat, canines - biting and tearing
Dubois Homo erectus
Homo erectus age? 1.6 - 1.8 million years ago (treat with caution, assumptions made 100 years before geolotists returns for stratigraphic provenance)
Homo erectus features? More massive face Less domed cranium Femur fossils - short and stocky Does not show increase in cranial capacity, technological sophistication and behavioural flexibility as other Hominins
Homo erectus and tools? Olddowan Mode 1 tools Indicative of cognitive differences or environmental differences between East Asia and Africa
HH Homo heidelbergensis
Homo heidelbergensis age? 700,000 - 200,000 years ago
Homo heidelbergensis origin? Greece and Zambia
Homo heidelbergensis features? Skull - vertical sides, high forehead, rounded back Prognathic face Large browridge Robust bodies Large brain - 1,300c
Neanderthals Homo neanderthalensis
Homo neanderthalensis age? 400,000 - 40,000 years ago
Homo neanderthalensis origin? Europe
Homo neanderthalensis features? Large brains - 1500cc Rounded cranium Small back teeth, large front teeth Robust bodies - conserve heat in a cold environment
Homo neanderthalensis and lifestyle? buried the dead -abundance of complete skeletons most likely mobile, hunter-gatherers beautiful ornaments found at Arcy sur Cure
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