Respiratory system-responses and adaptations


GCSE PE (Chapter 3 (effects of exercise-responses and adaptations)) Karteikarten am Respiratory system-responses and adaptations, erstellt von Camilla Donaldson am 14/12/2014.
Camilla Donaldson
Karteikarten von Camilla Donaldson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Camilla Donaldson
Erstellt von Camilla Donaldson vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the responses of the respiratory system to exercise? (2) -increased rate and depth of breathing -increased gas exchange
How can we determine our aerobic fitness? -respiratory system -VO2 max
What does the oxygen disassociation curve tell us? The ability for haemoglobin to become saturated with oxygen at relatively low oxygen partial pressures. The S shape is significant in indicating that blood can become fully saturated with oxygen at low partial pressures.
What are adaptations of the respiratory system to exercise? -an aerobic training scheme can increase the surface area of the alveoli, thereby increasing the surface area for gaseous exchange. -training will also strengthen the muscles involved in breathing (intercostal muscles/ diaphragm)
Give examples of secondary respiratory muscles internal intercostals, pectorals, trapezium, latissumus dorsi and abdominals.
What is anatomical dead space? The respiratory passageways in which air is ventilated through but doesn't contribute to gas exchange in the alveoli, it typically amounts to 150ml. Alveolar dead space (alveolar collapse/ obstruction by mucus) is added to this dead space.
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